eqSounds | Splice | 840 MB
Soul Surplus 推出 Joy Ride - City Pop,该版本受到日本经济繁荣的惊人时代的启发,该系列融合了闪闪发光的合成器、流畅的贝斯线和时髦的吉他即兴演奏,将您直接带到城市夜生活的中心、霓虹灯照亮的街道和沿海车道。从轻快的夏日国歌到时髦的深夜即兴演奏,这个包捕捉了定义城市流行音乐的乐观、怀旧氛围。
城市流行音乐是 1970 年代后期出现的一种日本音乐流派,并在 1980 年代达到顶峰流行。它融合了软摇滚、放克、爵士、迪斯科和R&B的元素,受到西方流行音乐的影响,反映了那个时代日本的经济繁荣和城市化。合成器和鼓机等新乐器的使用赋予了城市流行音乐未来主义和优美的声音,这与那个时代的技术乐观主义非常吻合。
在这个包中,您会发现复古的合成器主音和打击垫、流畅、时髦的贝斯凹槽、丰富的和弦进行、清脆的鼓组循环和爵士电钢琴即兴演奏。这个包是由了不起的宫崎骏创作的,他也在包中弹吉他。他拥有与格莱美奖得主福音艺术家 Tye Tribbett 一起巡演和录音的丰富简历。这个包还包含令人惊叹的音乐家阵容:Lenny Mobley(鼓)、Kayla Childs(电钢琴和合成器)和 Conley “Tone” Whitfield(贝斯)。全部在费城的 Turtle Studios 录制。
无论您是为复古风格的项目制作,营造完美的寒冷氛围,还是只是想重温这一标志性流派的奢华音景,Joy Ride - City Pop 都能满足您的需求。
Soul Surplus presents Joy Ride - City Pop, a release inspired by the amazing era of Japan's economic boom, this collection blends shimmering synths, smooth basslines, and funky guitar riffs to transport you straight to the heart of urban nightlife, neon-lit streets, and coastal drives. From breezy summer anthems to groovy late-night jams, this pack captures the upbeat, nostalgic vibe that defined city pop.
City pop is a genre of Japanese music that emerged in the late 1970s and reached its peak popularity in the 1980s. It blends elements of soft rock, funk, jazz, disco, and R&B, influenced by Western pop music, and reflects the economic boom and urbanization in Japan during that era. The use of new instruments like synthesizers and drum machines gave city pop a futuristic and polished sound, which aligned well with the era’s technological optimism.
Inside this pack you’ll find retro synth leads and pads, smooth, funky bass grooves, lush chord progressions, crisp drum set loops and jazzy electric piano riffs. This pack was composed by the amazing Dai Miyazaki who also played guitar on the pack as well. He touts an extensive resume of touring and recording with grammy award winning gospel artist Tye Tribbett. This pack also features an amazing lineup of musicians: Lenny Mobley (drums), Kayla Childs(electric piano and synths) and Conley “Tone” Whitfield (bass). All recorded at Turtle Studios in Philadelphia.
Whether you’re producing for retro-inspired projects, creating the perfect chill vibe, or simply looking to relive the luxurious soundscape of this iconic genre, Joy Ride - City Pop has everything you need.
· 137 Samples