eqSounds | Splice | 352 MB
「Jump Up」包含了最脏的滚动「Jump Up」D&B节奏、最扭曲的低音线和刺耳的合成器旋律,全部集中在一个包中!
这个包有大量的声音,包括:独家现场录制的 D&B 鼓循环、滚动的程序化风格的合成「Jump Up」鼓循环、扭曲的模拟风格低音线循环、经典的合成器旋律循环、脉动的垫音循环、打击乐和顶部循环,为您的节奏增添质感和律动,还有深沉而黑暗的垫音循环,以及一系列鼓、低音、合成器和 FX 的单发采样。
「Jump Up」是一个必不可少的专业制作样本集合,可以立即融入到您的制作中。
‘Jump Up’ brings the dirtiest rolling ‘Jump Up’ D&B beats, gnarliest basslines and stinging synth melodies all in one!
The pack has a plethora of sounds including: exclusively live recorded D&B drum loops, rolling programmed style synthetic ‘Jump Up’ drum loops, gnarly analog style bassline loops, classic synth melody loops, pulsating pad loops, percussion & top loops to add texture and groove to your beats, deep and dark pad loops, and a collection of drums, bass, synth and FX one one shots.
’Jump Up’ is an essential collection of professionally produced samples that will fit straight into your productions.
· 399 Samples