eqSounds | Splice | 442 MB
我们的第一个Drum Loops音频包以现代制作人为设计目标,里面充满了精心雕刻和原创的鼓循环。不局限于任何一种流派,它拥有您所需要的一切 – 从抨击感到弹性,从经典到现代的打击节奏。编程的循环由我们的创始人Krs.和Mars Today创建,而我们的居民多乐器演奏家Dylan Kidd则提供了现场录制的鼓循环。我们的目标是创建足够强大的循环,可以支撑整首歌曲,并留出空间供实验和额外处理。
Our first drum loop only pack is overflowing with well sculpted & original drum loops designed with the modern producer in mind. Not beholden to any one genre, it has everything you need – from slap, to bounce, to classic and modern breakbeats. The programmed loops were created by our founders Krs. & Mars Today, with live drum loops from our resident multi-instrumentalist extraordinaire Dylan Kidd. Our goal was to create loops strong enough to hold down the entire song, while still leaving room for experimentation and additional processing.
· 146 Samples