eqSounds | Splice | 1.91 GB
澳大利亚是一个拥有完全独特的植物和动物生态系统的地方,这些生物被隔绝并受到保护,与世界其他地区有着截然不同的声音生态系统,包括了各种鸟类、昆虫和动物独特的求偶呼声、尖叫声和歌曲。作曲家和制作人Liam Fox O’Brien回到家乡墨尔本外的丛林和农村,进行了一项深入怀旧的寻宝任务,收集这些丰富的声音,以记录它们。这是他3年多来首次回到家乡,因为新冠疫情而不能回国。
“Kookaburra Bushland”主要由雨林、海洋和沼泽地区野生动植物的声音组成,是寻找澳大利亚原生音效的绝佳资源,这些声音在其他地方无法找到。每种鸟叫声或昆虫呼声都有自己的独特之处,在不同的频谱动态下变化多样。这些音效还被Liam转化为令人惊艳的Pads、Synth、Drones、Leads、Arps和Drum Kits,可用于前卫的制作。这个音效包让你真正体验到澳大利亚的声音。
Australia is home to an entirely unique ecosystem of plants and animals cut off and protected from the rest of the word. With this unique ecosystem comes a unique soundscape of birds, insects, and animals with their own unusual mating calls, shrieks, and songs. While back home, composer and producer Liam Fox O’Brien went on a deeply nostalgic treasure hunting mission, after having not been home for 3+ years since Covid, to document and collect these rich sounds of the surrounding bushland and countrysides outside of Melbourne.
Mostly made up of sounds of the wild life of the rainforest, oceanic, and swampland areas Kookaburra Bushland is a fantastic resource of native Australian sounds that can’t be found anywhere else. Rich in dynamics and various frequency spectrums each bird call or insect has its own niche amidst the cacophony. These sounds were also flipped by Liam into incredibly cool pads, synths, drones, leads, arps and drum kits that can be used in avant guard production. This pack lets you literally sample Australia.
Looming in the background of some of the recordings are sounds of ominous construction and signs of humanity encroaching on these precious ecosystems. These sounds are deeply personal to Liam and to most Australians and this pack is a reminder for all of us to protect the natural areas that are important to us. So help Liam turn these beautiful nostalgic sounds into magic and keep the sounds of the bushland alive.
· 223 Samples