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Lao Ra(Laura Carvajalino Avila)将自己的音乐描述为颠覆性的流行音乐
这位歌手认为她多样化的音乐风格部分归功于她曾经生活过的地方:伦敦和哥伦比亚。她认为她在伦敦生活了10多年,这个城市赋予了她朋克的态度;而哥伦比亚则教给了她热带风情的力量。因此,她的作品中呈现出了多重感官的碎片拼贴。节奏鲜明的节拍和直白的歌词是其音乐的核心,采用了雷鬼音乐节奏和不可驯服的野生动物等元素,形成了一个生动的叙事,是对那些启发和影响她的女性艺术家的致敬,包括Debbie Harry、FKA Twigs、Frida Kahlo和Madonna。
尽管Lao Ra并不是纯粹的雷鬼音乐,但这种音乐风格对她的音乐影响影响很大,特别是在她的这个采样包中。她从小就跳雷鬼音乐,也接触了萨尔萨、美洲梅林格等拉丁音乐流派。在她的音乐创作中,她受到了雷鬼音乐节奏基础Dembow的启发,这一元素也出现在了她许多歌曲中。此外,她还受到了雷鬼音乐极简制作的影响,仅使用一个或两个主要的音乐元素贯穿整个轨道。
Lao Ra (Laura Carvajalino Avila) describes her music as subversive pop. The singer attributes part of her eclectic sound to the places she’s called home: London and Colombia. She credits the English capital – which she lived in for over 10 years – for bestowing her that punk attitude and Colombia for instilling the power of the tropics. The result is a multi-sensory collage where energetic beats and blunt lyrics are at the heart center. Through reggaeton beats and untamable wild animals, her vibrant storytelling is a nod to the female artists who’ve inspired her journey so far from Debbie Harry to FKA Twigs, from Frida Kahlo to Madonna.
Though Lao Ra does not make reggaeton music, per se, the influence can be heard in most of her music, and definitely throughout this pack. She grew up dancing to reggaeton, along with salsa, merengue, and other Latin genres throughout her early teens. Throughout her sonic journey, she’s been inspired by the Dembow, reggaeton’s rhythmic base, as heard in many of her songs. She’s also influenced by the minimal production of reggaeton, using just one or two leading sounds through a whole track.
She suggests, “have fun with the elements reggaeton brings, but don’t get too attached to the form. Experiment with it and push the limits.”