BPM:92丨A maj
Lauv:当代音乐界的真正开创性力量,Lauv 同时体现了独立艺术家的巨大自由和流行现象的热门歌曲制作能力。随着他的突破性热门歌曲的到来,这位歌手/词曲作者/制作人/多乐器手重新定义了独立艺术家成功的极限,为志同道合的创作者铺平了道路,让他们能够按照自己的条件追求明星之路。从那时起,他成为了一位全球性的轰动人物,凭借其忠实的粉丝群,经常在亚洲和欧洲各地吸引大量的流媒体播放量和头条新闻。凭借其灵魂坦露且立即上口的流行歌曲,Lauv 很快在印度、中国、台湾、墨西哥、巴西和布宜诺斯艾利斯举办了头条演出,他的全球粉丝群进一步扩大。Lauv 的音乐受到了《滚石》、《Vogue》、《V 杂志》、《PAPER》等媒体的赞誉,《Billboard》称他为“流行音乐最杰出的词曲作者之一”。2024 年,他将开启自己的新音乐篇章,有望继续他作为全球音乐力量的崛起。Lauv 的新单曲《 》是一首不受拘束的倾诉,伴随着高能量的背景鼓点和丰富的吉他演奏,在合唱驱动的桥段达到了颂歌般的强度。
Lauv: A truly groundbreaking force in today’s music world, Lauv embodies both the immense freedom of an independent artist and the hitmaking power of a pop phenomenon. With the arrival of his breakthrough smash , the singer/songwriter/producer/multi-instrumentalist redefined the limits of success for independent artists, paving the way for like-minded creators to pursue stardom on their own terms. Since then, he’s emerged as a global sensation who routinely pulls in massive streaming numbers and headlines arenas all across Asia and Europe, thanks to a passionate fan base who’ve come to rely on his steady output of soul-baring yet immediately catchy pop songs. Not long after making his full-length debut with , he headlined shows in India, China, Taiwan, Mexico, Brazil, and Buenos Aires as his global fan base expanded even further. Lauv’s music has received praise from outlets such as Rolling Stone, Vogue, V Magazine, PAPER, with Billboard calling him “one of pop’s premier songwriters.” 2024 will see him embark on his own new chapter of music that promises to continue his ascent as a global musical force to be reckoned with. Lauv’s new single , is an unguarded outpouring to a high-energy backdrop of potent beats and lush guitar work, reaching an anthemic intensity at its gang-vocal-fueled bridge.