eqSounds | Splice | 334 MB
Sabar Drum Language为您带来来自塞内加尔和冈比亚的原始、激烈和古老的 Sabar 鼓声。由 Laye Ndiaye 演奏,他从年轻时在塞内加尔就开始演奏 Sabar,这在他的家族中世代相传,他教我们一些 Sabar 课。他演奏 Mbalax,类似于 djembe,但用一只手和一根棍子演奏,以及 Thiol,一种用一只手和一根棍子演奏的细长酒杯鼓。 这些不同的节奏在这个包中都源自 Layes 传统中数百年前演奏的各种歌曲。大部分收益直接归 Laye 和他的家人所有。 期待更多来自 Rhythm Paints!
Sabar Drum Language brings you the raw, intense, and ancient drumming of Sabar from Senegal and The Gambia.
Peformed by Laye Ndiaye, who has been playing Sabar since his youth in Senegal and it has been a long standing tradtion in his family for generations and He taught us some Sabar classes. He performs an Mbalax, similar to the djembe except played with a hand and stick and a Thiol, a thin goblet drum also played with one hand and one stick.
These different rhythms found in this pack all stem from various songs played in Layes tradition dating back hundreds of years. Majority of proceeds go directly to Laye and his family.
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· 243 Samples