eqSounds | Splice | 528 MB
根据我们的使用条款,未经歌手本人 Jessica Lovelock 的书面许可,不得使用其姓名、图像或肖像。
“Lessons in Love”是一个灵感源自丝滑灵魂乐和当代 R&B 的坠入爱河之旅。这个豪华的人声素材包捕捉了歌手、词曲作者 Jessica Lovelock 丰富而饱满的人声音色,并将其与温暖的现代人声制作和饱和度融合,让其可以融入任何混音中,既现代又无缝衔接。
该素材包经过精心制作,无疑会为任何作品增添优雅气息。它包含了情感丰富的歌词 hook、人声和声垫、短语以及自然流畅的即兴演奏和润腔(wet 和 dry),并提供经过重新采样、切 chop 以及处理成的人声合成器歌曲开头和旋律循环。
As described in our Terms of Use, you may not use Jessica Lovelock’s name, image or likeness without Jessica Lovelocks’ express written permission.`
“Lessons in Love” is a smooth soul and contemporary R&B inspired journey through falling in love. This luxary vocal collection captures the rich and full vocal tones of singer, songwriter Jessica Lovelock and blends them with beautifully warm vocal production and saturation for a present, yet seamless drop into any mix.
With emotive lyrical hooks, vocal harmony pads, phrases and effortless riff & runs provided wet and dry alongside resampled, chopped and vocal synth song starters and melodic loops, this masterfully crafted collection will undoubtably add elegance to any production.
· 222 Samples