eqSounds | Splice | 532 MB
Komorebi Audio Presents – Lofi Discovery,550mb的Lofi样本,灵感来自于有机纹理,乐器如吉他、拇指钢琴、木槌和木琴,注入合成器纹理和foley的灵感Lofi鼓。
这个包是由Komorebi Audio的主要成员Dokkodo Sounds在英国英格兰录制和混合的,后期制作由Komorebi Audio在波兰的团队负责。
对于那些希望在自己的作品中加入有机和情感的lofi beat场景的粉丝来说。
Komorebi Audio Presents – Lofi Discovery, 550mb of lofi samples inspired by organic textures, instruments such as guitar, thumb piano, mallets and xylophone infused with synth textures and foley inspired lofi drums.
This pack was recorded and mixed on location in England, UK by Komorebi Audio mainstay Dokkodo Sounds and post production was handled by the Komorebi Audio team in Poland.
For fans of the lofi beat scene who are looking to add an organic and emotion fuelled edge to their own productions.
· 276 Samples