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Loopmasters 呈献 Dub Classics – 一款现代 Dub 样本包
就像其人民一样,加勒比音乐总是在不断发展。它总是被实验和迭代,总是变形为下一个将为西方流行音乐铺平道路的东西。Dub 也不例外。Dub 于 1960 年代在牙买加从雷鬼音乐中发展而来,由 King Tubby、Ruddock、Lee Scratch Perry 和 Errol Thompson 开创。
Dub 是最早的电子音乐形式之一。该风格由对现有录音进行部分或全部器乐重混而成,通过操纵和重塑这些录音来实现。这通常是通过去除一些或全部人声、强调节奏部分(剥离的鼓和贝斯曲目有时被称为 riddim)、应用工作室效果(如回声和混响),以及偶尔对原始版本或其他作品中的人声或乐器片段进行配音来完成的。
这个资源包中的每一层都是精心制作和录制的,以创造出完整的氛围。一旦我们有了贝斯节奏,并与键盘和吉他分层,Ranking Joe 加入录音室,录制他的人声。然后我们添加了更多乐器,包括铜管乐器编排。每个音频文件都通过 Roland Space Echo 进行了一些处理,这是 Dub 音效的重要组成部分。我们的目标是将那些访问这些声音的人带回传奇的 Studio One 时代。结果是对经典 Dub 音效的深入研究。
Much like its people, music from the Caribbean is always moving. Always being experimented and iterated on, always morphing into the next thing that’s going to pave a path for Western pop genres to follow. Dub is no different. The subgenre grew out of reggae music in 1960s Jamaica, pioneered by King Tubby, Ruddock, Lee Scratch Perry, and Errol Thompson.
Dub was one of the earliest forms of electronic music. The style consists of partial or complete instrumental remixes of existing recordings achieved by manipulating and reshaping them. This is typically done through the removal of some or all vocals, adding emphasis on the rhythm section (the stripped-down drum-and-bass track is sometimes referred to as a riddim), the application of studio effects such as echo and reverb, and the occasional dubbing of vocal or instrumental snippets from the original version or other works.
Each layer of this pack was meticulously performed and recorded to create a whole vibe. Once we had bass grooves in place layered with keys and guitars, Ranking Joe joined the studio to lay down his vocals. Then we added more instruments including horn arrangements. Every single audio file was processed in some way through the Roland Space Echo, which is an essential part of the dub sound. Our goal was to transport those who visit these sounds back to the legendary Studio One days. The result is a deep-dive study of the classic dub sound.
· 383 Samples