eqSounds | Splice | 2.47 GB
在嘻哈领域展示其强大力量的“Lofi Hip Hop”将挑战你对Lofi Hip Hop的传统认知。它会潜入你的梦境状态,用触角紧紧缠绕你的思绪。将这个样本包想象成通往你全新潜意识的大门。
融合了多种嘻哈子流派的元素,这个合集包含了浸透乙烯基唱片氛围的旋律循环、紧凑硬朗的节拍、扭曲的声乐特效循环、断裂的合成器音色和滚动的鼓机节奏。制作过程很简单,使用忠于嘻哈风格的设备,例如Akai MPC控制器和经典鼓机,以这种严谨流派的真实感觉和律动为基础,然后融合现代的重新采样和编程技术。这种融合创造了Lofi Hip Hop包,挑战了你现有的想法,并推你突破界限,进入一个新的音效巫术领域。
“Lofi Hip Hop”会让你意识到,将你的技能转移到这种新声音上,是未来音乐创作的正确方向。只需快速聆听预览,几秒钟内你就会被它带走,这正是我们希望这个包能做到的。
Flexing its muscles in the Hip Hop arena, ‘Lofi Hip Hop’ challenges your preconceptions of Lofi Hip Hop. It rummages through your dream like state and curls its tentacles around your mind. Think of this sample pack as a door into your new subconscious.
Blending elements from multiple sub genres of Hip Hop, this collection features vinyl soaked melody loops, tight, crunchy beats, twisted vocal fx loops, broken synths and rolling drum machine rhythms. The creation process was simple, use equipment true to the Hip Hop genre like the Akai MPC controller and classic drum machines to base the pack on the true feel and movement of this disciplinary genre, then fuse it with modern re- sampling and programming techniques. This fusion has resulted in a Lofi Hip Hop pack that challenges your current thoughts and pushes you to break away into a new field of sonic voodoo.
‘Lofi Hip Hop’ will give you the knowledge that transitioning your skills to this new sound is the way forward for your future tracks. A quick listen to the preview will whisk you away within seconds, and thats exactly what we want the pack to do.
· 590 Samples