eqSounds | Splice | 162 MB
Komorebi Audio推出了Lofi Hip Hop人声和黑胶刮擦循环 – 一个灵感来自Hip Hop黄金时代的全人声样本包。
这个包里的人声是由南伦敦人Jamell René提供的。这次录音是由Komorebi Audio的老板Skit在Pirate Studios设计和混音的。为了捕捉复古的感觉,我们通过舒尔SM7b话筒录制人声,该话筒在许多早期的嘻哈录音中获得了传奇地位,最引人注目的是迈克尔-杰克逊的专辑《颤栗》。
然后,人声循环被伦敦西部的DJ Complexion进一步处理、刮擦和剪辑。Complexion以主持和策划未来节拍广播节目而闻名,他在Boiler Room的多次演出和为Little Simz、Bonkaz等艺术家做DJ,并与Soulection的Joe Kay一起。
所有文件都是以24位WAV录音的形式提供的,可以随时拖入你的Hip Hop、Lofi Beats和Rap乐器中。
重要通知:本包只包含人声样本。演示曲目中的所有其他声音都来自我们的样本包Ambient Trap和Ethereal Chill.
Komorebi Audio Presents Lofi Hip Hop Vocals and Vinyl Scratch Loops – An all vocal sample pack inspired by the golden age of hip hop.
The vocals in this pack are provided by South London native, Jamell René. The session was engineered and mixed at Pirate Studios by Komorebi Audio boss, Skit. To capture the vintage feel we recorded the vocals through a Shure SM7b microphone which gained legendary status among recording engineers after its use on many early hip hop recordings and most notably, Michael Jackson’s album Thriller.
The vocal loops were then further manipulated, scratched and chopped by West London based DJ, Complexion. Complexion is best known for hosting and curating the future beats radio show, his multiple performances on Boiler Room and DJing for artists such as Little Simz, Bonkaz and alongside Joe Kay of Soulection.
This pack is inspired by the vocals and scratch patterns of the 80’s and early 90’s but was made to be used as a tool to add a dusty vintage feel to current music.
All files are provided as 24-bit WAV recordings and are ready to drag and drop into your Hip Hop, Lofi Beats and Rap Instrumentals.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This pack contains vocal samples only. All other sounds in the demo track are taken from our sample pack Ambient Trap and Ethereal Chill.
· 117 Samples