eqSounds | Splice | 592 MB
我们为您带来了一份优秀的采样包——Low Key Love Songs。这份包将Rnb与Trap和Hip Hop的流行风格巧妙结合,为您带来超过50个专业录制和演唱的人声Loop和切片。这些Loop和切片完美呈现了90年代Rnb风格,然而经过创新处理,使其符合现代音乐制作的美学。无论您需要一个Basslie来制作曲调,还是需要一些人声和音效,这份采样包都能满足您的需求。另外,我们注重另一方面的音乐Loop,包含了各类乐器的Loop,帮助在找到创作灵感的同时还能取得更大的进展。
总体来说,Low Key Love Songs将感性和动人的音乐元素呈现给您,让您的Rnb音乐变得更加优秀。希望这份采样包能够帮助您获得更好的音乐创作灵感。
Presenting you with a sensual sonic library, Low Key Love Songs continues to push the RNB landscape, incorporating popular stylistic elements from Trap & Hip Hop to provide an exceptional range of samples to work with.
Ensure your beats have unique character and identity by choosing from over 50 vocal loops and chops, professionally recorded and performed true to 90’s RNB form, but transformed into a contemporary production aesthetic with tasteful yet creative processing. Whether you’re after a top line to be the hooky centre point of your beat, or some supporting vocal chops, Low Key Love Songs has got you covered. Don’t miss out on these hidden gems!
Much like our previous RNB libraries, there is an emphasis on music loops, providing you with plenty of opportunities when flicking through the samples to catch your ear and trigger some inspiration. Grab one of our song starters for an expertly crafted and well balanced selection of musical layers, ready to be quickly thrown into your sequencer and have a beat jammed over. Or, for the more meticulous beat makers out there, grab one of the bass, chord, or melody stems for you to write musical elements around, allowing you to enforce your own sonic and musical imprint.
Whilst this pack is focussed more on musical elements, trust us, these drum loops and hits are not to be slept on. Ranging from upbeat mid-tempo through to groovy half time, the subtle use of slightly off-grid percussion deliberately intertwined with the more up-front kicks and snares keeps your beat moving. Just listening to the drum beats on their own can cause you to start nodding along with your head, an essential element to get right when writing RNB.
The SFX within this pack act more as ‘scene setters’. Atmospheres, ambient drum rolls, transition tools, end of phrase elements, and plenty more. These subtle additions add identity and detail to your productions.
Low Key Love Songs is a pack containing emotive and moving musical elements, that will connect with your listeners when utilised in your next RNB hit.
· 312 Sample