eqSounds | Splice | 396 MB
你应该得到生活中最好的东西,你的节拍也是如此。LEX Sounds自豪地推出了 “豪华说唱”,这是一个嘻哈和灵魂样本的集合,具有电影感,而且很精致。这个包包含了现场鼓循环,光滑的基线,朦胧的吉他,郁郁葱葱的钥匙,以及来自我们内部音乐家和制片人团队的空灵的人声。用我们不拘一格的单曲和FX进行一次声波之旅。所有的鼓声单曲都是由现场鼓声和模拟鼓机产生的,并通过秘制酱料进行处理,以获得额外的拍击感。旋律循环的灵感来自于70年代的blaxploitation、现代boom-bap和复古的灵魂音乐。如果你正在寻找鼓舞人心的歌曲开头或循环,这个包是为你准备的。灵感来自于Freddie Gibbs, Rick Ross, Madlib, Alchemist, Justice League, Drake, Griselda & Curren$y的作品,这个包非常适合为你生活中的夸夸其谈的说唱者创作音乐。
LEX Sounds提供了来自天才艺术家和制作人的高质量样本。这个包的特点是格莱美获奖音乐家,他们曾与Chance the Rapper、Nas、Mos Def、Talib Kweli和Solange合作。
You deserve the finest things in life and so do your beats. LEX Sounds is proud to present “Luxury Rap” a collection of hip hop and soul samples that are cinematic, and sophisticated. This pack contains live drum loops, slick baselines, hazy guitars, lush keys, and ethereal vocals from our in-house team of musicians and producers. Take a sonic journey with our eclectic one-shots and fx. All of the drum one-shots were generated from live drum recordings and analog drum machines and processed with a secret sauce for extra slap. The melodic loops are inspired by 70’s blaxploitation, modern boom-bap, and retro soul music. If you’re looking for inspiring song starters or loops to chop up this pack is for you. Inspired by the work of Freddie Gibbs, Rick Ross, Madlib, Alchemist, Justice League, Drake, Griselda & Curren$y this pack is perfect to create music for the braggadocio rapper in your life.
LEX Sounds provides high-quality samples from talented artists and producers. This pack features Grammy award-winning musicians who have worked with Chance the Rapper, Nas, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, and Solange.
· 162 Samples