eqSounds | Splice | 500 MB
主宰舞池,引爆全场!全新发布:MAINSTAGE TECHNO & ACID!
沉浸于精心挑选的 312 个采样,让你的制作直上主舞台,直击 Techno、Acid 和 Bigroom 的核心。
- 澎湃低音、令人难以抗拒的脉动节拍:撼动人群的强劲低音、抓住人心的酸性合成线条,打造全方位的动态采样。
- 丰富音色选择:史诗般的低音循环、合成器拨弦、琶音、主旋律,以及强劲的鼓循环、打击乐和迷人的音效元素。
- 3 个精心设计的歌曲启动包:开启你的音乐之旅,踏入私人狂欢洞穴。
- 融合经典与现代灵感:受 Hardwell、Ummet Ozcan、Eli Brown 和 Space 92 等知名艺人启发,将 Techno 和 Acid House 的突破性声音与 EDM 和 Bigroom 相结合。
- 释放传奇表演能量:打造充满传奇演出能量的音乐,征服主舞台!
使用 MAINSTAGE TECHNO & ACID 提升你的声音,征服舞池!
Prepare to command the dancefloor with our latest release: MAINSTAGE TECHNO & ACID! Dive into the heart of Techno, Acid, and Bigroom with a meticulously curated collection of 312 samples that will elevate your productions to the mainstage.
Immerse yourself in the pulsating beats and hypnotic sounds that define the Mainstage Techno & Acid experience. From thunderous kicks that reverberate through the crowd to intricate acid-infused synth lines that captivate the audience, this pack offers a dynamic array of samples. Explore the sonic possibilities through a range of epic bass loops, synth plucks, arps, leads as well as pumping drum loops, hits and mesmerising FX elements. Take a trip into your personal rave cave with 3 meticulously designed songstarter kits, each providing a blueprint to ignite your musical journey.
Inspired by the groundbreaking sounds of Techno and Acid House fused with EDM and Bigroom, this release draws inspiration from the likes of Hardwell, Ummet Ozcan, Eli Brown, and Space 92. This pack is your key to creating music that echoes the energy of legendary performances. Elevate your sound and conquer the mainstage with MAINSTAGE TECHNO & ACID!
· 312 Samples