eqSounds | Splice | 2.08 GB
让我们介绍才华横溢的创作歌手 Merges。她在纳什维尔和洛杉矶充满活力的音乐圈摸爬滚打,磨练成一位横跨另类 R&B、流行、独立等多种风格的音乐力量。
Merges 不仅因其艺术才华而闻名,也因其出色的作曲能力广受赞誉。她合作过的音乐人名单包括 EXO、Blxst、Joony、Elley Duhe 等知名艺人。现在,她邀请您沉浸在她的声音世界中。
“Merges World Vol.001” 素材包囊括了充满情感的歌声、丰富纹理的旋律采样、鼓循环段以及单点采样,这些元素都体现了她标志性的风格和音乐理念。该素材包旨在帮助您探索音乐表达的新领域。
Introducing the captivating world of Merges, a singer/songwriter whose journey through the vibrant music scenes of Nashville and Los Angeles has shaped her into a dynamic force in alternative R&B, pop, indie, and more.
Renowned not only for her artistry but also her songwriting prowess, her collaborative track record includes the likes of EXO, Blxst, Joony, Elley Duhe, and many more. Now, she invites you to immerse yourself in her sonic universe.
Packed with emotionally stirring vocals, textured melodic samples, drum loops, and one shots that embody her signature style and vision, “Merges World Vol.001” was designed to help you explore new realms of musical expression.
· 315 Samples