eqSounds | Splice | 720 MB
Origin Sound隆重推出Midnight Smoke,一个充满朦胧感的Hip Hop和Trap库,将你的节奏提升到一个新的水平。所有Hip Hop歌曲的基础是一个敲击的鼓点。Midnight Smoke提供了大量完美的节奏选择。挖掘鼓循环文件夹,找到一个完整的节拍、打击乐和填充物的坚实组合。如果预制的节奏不是你的风格,可以到鼓点文件夹中从头开始建立你自己的节奏。有超过100个鼓点可供选择,这个广泛的选择将使你能够卷起烟雾缭绕的嘻哈和陷阱节奏。
进一步翻阅Midnight Smoke,可以发现大量的音乐循环和单曲,从俏皮的鸟鸣声和柔和的马林巴回声,到坚硬的钟声和经典的陷阱弦乐,以及更多。除了低音、和弦和旋律循环之外,我们还包括完整的作品和堆栈。如果你正在寻找灵感,这些多乐器循环是治愈之道。更不用说100多个音乐单曲了,它们渴望被扔进你选择的采样器中。
如果没有SFX来调剂混合,任何节拍都是不完整的。在这个包里包括了起音、冲击、下行、过渡和其他声音设计的好东西。Midnight Smoke是一个样本金矿,它建立在我们大量的嘻哈样本包的基础上,为我们带来了新的精心制作的内容。对于任何试图提高自己水平的节拍师来说,这是一个值得投资的项目。
Origin Sound proudly present Midnight Smoke, a Hip Hop and Trap library crammed full of hazy samples, elevating your beats to a new level. The foundation of all Hip Hop songs is a knocking drum beat. Midnight Smoke provides a hefty selection of perfectly cooked rhythms. Dig through the drum loops folder to find a solid mix of full beats, percussion, and fills. If pre-made grooves are not your style, head over to the drum hits folder to build your own from scratch. With over 100+ drum hits to choose from, this extensive selection will enable you to roll up smoky hip-hop and trap beats.
Flick further through Midnight Smoke to discover a plethora of musical loops and one shots, spanning from playful bird chirps and soft echoing marimbas, to hard bells and classic trap strings, and much more. Apart from bass, chord, and melodic loops, we’ve also included full compositions and stacks. If you are searching for inspiration, these multi-instrument loops are the cure. Not to mention the 100+ musical one shots that are dying to be thrown into your sampler of choice.
No beat is complete without SFX to spice up the mix. Included in the pack are risers, impacts, downlifts, transitions, and other sound design goodies. Midnight Smoke is a sample gold mine that builds on our large portfolio of hip-hop sample packs, brining to the table fresh new meticulously crafted content. A worthy investment for any beat-smith trying to up their game.
· 518 Samples