eqSounds | Splice | 161 MB
DJ Re:Code以其爆炸性的实验制作风格、令人上瘾的流行旋律和星光熠熠的合作而闻名,其中包括Moment毕业生Food House和Tracey Brakes。这位身穿亮粉色兔女郎服装的DJ在Twitter和SoundCloud的超级流行音乐场景中广为流传,最初凭借她的改编混音引起了人们的兴趣,最终凭借她的双LP专辑《ReCodePop!》引起了广泛关注——这个名字是指她所创造的同名流派,通过“在尽可能小的空间内混入尽可能多的采样”的方式。
“Miscellania”是Riri对采样收集和声音设计的热爱之作,这两个方面是她制作方法的支柱。从模糊的碟步声音到模拟合成器录音,从Mushy Dubstep Sound Blips到Aanalog Synth Recordings,再到在纽约街头录制的变形金属撞击声,Riri对声音收集和重新诠释的痴迷展现无遗。
DJ Re:Code is known for her explosive, experimental production style, earworm pop melodies, and star-studded collaborations including Moment alumni food house & tracey brakes. The bright pink bunnygirl has made the rounds within the twitter/soundcloud hyperpop music scene, originally sparking interest with her bootleg remixes, and eventually with her double LP “ReCodePop!”—a name referencing her eponymous genre made by “mashing up as many samples in as little space as possible”.
‘Miscellania’ is Riri’s love letter to sample collecting and sound design, both pillars of her production methodology. From mushy dubstep sound blips to analog synth recordings, woodblocks, plastic clinks and distorted metal clangs recorded on the streets of NYC, Riri’s obsession with sound collection and re-interpretation shines through.
“ReCodePop (genre) is all about that ideology: collecting all of your influences in one space and repurposing them…anything goes as long as you can see your own shining reflection,” Riri tells us between field recorder takes on the C train platform. “SOMEONE installed that fire hydrant — and me slamming it with a brick is my homage to them.”
· 158 Samples