eqSounds | Splice | 618 MB
自称为“贫民窟未来主义者”的 GAIKA 以其极具实验性和难以定义的风格而闻名。这位在伦敦长大、在夜店中成长的牙买加和格林纳达裔父母之子,已经成为英国实验音乐的中流砥柱,他曾与 3D(Massive Attack)、Dean Blunt、Kelela 和 SOPHIE 等人物合作,在 Warp Records 和 Big Dada 发行唱片,并与英国皇家歌剧院合作创作了有史以来第一部黑人导演的芭蕾舞剧。
在寻找机器中真正的幽灵时,GAIKA 复活了一系列老式合成器和一台 70 年代早期的原版电钢琴,创作了“Model GKZ”,这是他对正在进行的科幻研究项目 GKZ 的一次赛博格式尝试。GKZ 想象中的多元文化伦敦激发了这个采样包,使其能够穿越时间线,并将 Grime、丛林音乐、R&B、电子舞厅音乐、MPC 驱动的说唱、日本嘻哈、底特律 Techno、动漫配乐和新古典实验主义等元素混合在一起。这是一个用于制作复古未来主义电子音乐的氛围工具包,它既怀旧又具有前瞻性,将复杂的音色设计与动态而情感化的人类表演相结合。
A self-professed "Ghetto Futurist", GAIKA has a reputation for being fiercely experimental and impossible to define. The London-bred, night club-raised son of Jamaican and Grenadian parents, he’s become a staple of UK experimental music, working with names like 3D (Massive Attack), Dean Blunt, Kelela, and SOPHIE, releasing on Warp Records and Big Dada, and composing the first-ever black-directed ballet with the Royal Opera House.
In searching for the veritable ghost in the machine, GAIKA has reanimated an array of vintage synthesisers and an original early-70s electric piano to create ‘Model GKZ’, a cyborg entry to his ongoing science fiction research project GKZ. GKZ’s imagined future of multicultural London inspires the pack to traverse timelines and hybridize elements of grime, jungle, R&B, digi-dancehall, MPC-driven rap, Japanese hip hop, Detroit techno, anime soundtracks, and neoclassical experimentalism. It’s an atmospheric toolkit for making retro-futuristic electronic music that is simultaneously nostalgic and forward-thinking, combining intricate patch design with dynamic and emotional human performance.
“It defies easy convention.”
· 182 Samples