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Nagra Tape Explorations

Nagra Tape Explorations

eqSounds | Splice | 223 MB


Nagra Tape Explorations: 回味经典磁带录音的魅力

1951 年,Stefan Kudelski 研发了 Nagra I,这是一款高品质的卷轴式磁带录音机,因其紧凑、坚固和可靠性而迅速受到追捧。Nagra 系列将继续革新广播、电视、纪录片制作和电影制作领域。在接下来的几年里,Kudelski 不断改进他的原始概念,并在 1972 年推出了 Nagra 4.2。


  • 麦克风输入功能
  • 内置均衡器
  • 压缩器/限制器

快进到 2021 年……

总部位于纽约的制作团队 half.cool(Christopher Ottaviano 和 David Levitan)带着一个名为 Nagra Tape Explorations 的新声音合集回来了。这个合集包含了强劲的鼓循环、丰富的合成器、波浪形的电吉他以及鼓舞人心的歌曲开场白。此外,您还可以找到各种实验性的磁带处理技术和切碎的旋律循环。所有样品都通过 Nagra 4.2 处理,赋予每个声音温暖的磁带压缩的高品质和独特的前置放大器的强劲清晰度。

Nagra Tape Explorations 涵盖以下内容:

  • 40 个鼓循环
  • 30 个旋律循环
  • 20 个一次性打击乐
  • 10 个氛围垫
  • 5 个效果

所有样品都是 100% 免版税,可以用于您的个人和商业项目。

立即下载 Nagra Tape Explorations,并将传奇的 Nagra 4.2 的声音融入您的音乐创作中!


In 1951 Stefan Kudelski developed the Nagra I, a high-quality reel to reel tape recorder that was quickly sought after for its compact ruggedness and reliability. The Nagra series would go on to revolutionize the world of radio broadcasting, television, documentary filmmaking, and cinema. Over the following years Kudelski continuously improved upon his original concepts and in 1972 introduced the Nagra 4.2. This iteration features microphone input capability, built-in equalizers, and a compressor/limiter.

Fast forward to 2021…

The New York City based production team half.cool (Christopher Ottaviano & David Levitan) have returned with a new collection of sounds titled Nagra Tape Explorations. This pack features hard-hitting drum loops, lush synthesizers, wavy electric guitars, and inspiring song-starters. In addition, you’ll find a variety of experimental tape manipulation techniques and chopped melodic loops. All samples were processed through the Nagra 4.2, giving each sound the elevated quality of warm tape compression and the punchy clarity of its unique preamp.




     ·     195 Samples

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