eqSounds | Splice | 258 MB
Tippie 和 PJ Vegas 呈现 - 原始心态
这个项目由代表 Yoeme 和 Comanche 民族的 PJ Vegas 和 Tippie 策划。包内包括了 Nelson Baker(Poundmaker Cree、Mandan、Hidatsa)、Lisa Muswagon(Nakoda Cree)、Spur Pourier(Oglala Lakota)和 Miracle Spotted Bear(Oglala Lakota)的声音。乐器包括由 Artson(Tarahumara、Raramuri)演奏的长笛和手鼓。Ayoytes 摇铃壳由 PJ Vegas(Yoeme)提供,由 Tippie(Comanche)提供的歌曲开场。
对于这个包,Splice 将在第一年将其版税的一部分捐赠给 IllumiNative(https://illuminatives.org/),这是一个旨在提高北美原住民民族和人民在美國社會中的能见度,并挑战关于他们的负面叙述的新的非营利性倡议。
Tippie & PJ Vegas present - Native State of Mind
The Native State of Mind sample pack is very much a “collaboration with our Native peoples and ancestors.” The pack includes traditional Native American instruments and chants from all four corners of turtle island, made available to the rest of the world for the first time ever.
This project was curated by PJ Vegas and Tippie, who represent the Yoeme and Comanche Nations. The pack includes vocals from Nelson Baker (Poundmaker Cree, Mandan, Hidatsa), Lisa Muswagon (Nakoda Cree), Spur Pourier (Oglala Lakota), and Miracle Spotted Bear (Oglala Lakota). Instruments include flutes and hand drums by Artson (Tarahumara, Raramuri). Ayoytes shaker shells by PJ Vegas (Yoeme) and song-starters from Tippie (Comanche).
For this pack, Splice will be donating its share of the royalties from the first year to IllumiNative (https://illuminatives.org/), a new nonprofit initiative designed to increase the visibility of – and challenge the negative narrative about – Native Nations and peoples in American society.
· 261 Samples