eqSounds | Splice | 466 MB
来自 ModeAudio 的 “Night Mood – 环境钢琴循环” 轻柔地融入您的 DAW,其细腻轻盈的钢琴声,仿佛描绘着月光下的风景,将您的音乐笼罩在深沉的宁静之中。
包含 520MB 的冥想免版权音乐循环,感受我们最新环境音乐作品中温暖醇厚的柔毛毡与震颤琴弦交织出的声音。
该套装的核心是 55 个原声钢琴循环,涵盖轻快的主旋律、灵巧的旋律片段和柔和的和弦 progression,风格丰富,音色多样,并深受 Nils Frahm 和 Olafur Arnalds 等新古典主义简约派音乐家的影响。
此外,还包括充满弹性的 sub bass 文件夹、闪闪发光的器乐声层、俏皮的 tuned percussion 序列、包裹合成 pad、节奏 found percussion 和管弦乐鼓 loop,总共 167 个音乐 loop,适用于环境音乐和流行音乐制作。
无论您是想创作富有灵魂的流行乐曲还是制作微妙的电影配乐,立即加入这场静谧革命,下载 “Night Mood – 环境钢琴循环”!
‘Night Mood – Ambient Piano Loops’ from ModeAudio drifts gently into your DAW, its delicate, feathery piano sounds painting moonlit landscapes and cloaking your music in deep serenity.
Comprising 520MB of meditative, royalty-free music loops, embrace the warm, sonorous sounds of soft felts against vibrating strings in our latest Ambient offering.
The heart of the pack features 55 acoustic piano loops, spanning light lead melodies, deft melodic riffs and mellow chord progressions, rich in character, diverse in tone and heavily inspired by the new wave of neo-classical minimalists such as Nils Frahm and Olafur Arnalds.
Folders of buoyant sub basses, sparkling instrumental textures, playful tuned percussion sequences, enveloping synth pads, rhythmic found percussion and orchestral drum loops, are also included, making a total of 167 music loops that find a home in both Ambient and Pop productions.
Whether you’re working up soulful Pop arrangements or subtly Cinematic soundtrack sessions, join the quiet revolution today and download Night Mood – Ambient Piano Loops!
· 167 Samples