eqSounds | Splice | 0.98 GB
通过 “无上限 “探索Trap和Hip Hop风格和氛围的广泛财富。每一个节拍制作者的梦想库都有大量的种类,同时保持声音的连续性。
No Cap的巨大的音乐元素选择是它从其他人中脱颖而出的真正原因。大量的选择和释放的创意潜力潜伏在每一个角落,无论你是在寻找一个可混合的歌曲起动器,以砍伐和扭曲你自己的节拍,还是采取一个稍微更临床的方法,潜入个别元素,围绕这些元素写作,添加你自己的声音印记,每个人都可以找到。你可以找到前卫的合成器垫子,有品位地浸泡在场景设置的混响中,撕裂的基线,弯曲和流动的额外特性,模糊的松散木管,以及更多。
用No Cap广泛的鼓声系列为你的节拍添加一些节奏和冲击力,从前面的砰砰作响,到稍微圆润和克制的踢腿和小鼓,无论你自己的制作风格需要什么,No Cap都能提供。通过利用许多预制的和可混合的循环,迅速采取行动,充满了有趣的节奏,为你的节拍增添光彩。另外,还可以利用单个的鼓点,以精确和复杂的方式定制你的节奏。
最后但并非最不重要的是,利用No Cap的SFX系列,为你的作品增加特色和细节。与主要元素相比,这些精心制作的耳塞可能会被听众忽视,但却是为你的音乐环境增加深度的重要工具。
No Cap为各种风格提供了高质量和多功能的样本,是各种水平的节拍制作者的理想选择,从休闲爱好者到专业的制作人。
Explore an extensive wealth of Trap & Hip Hop styles and moods with “No Cap”. Every beatmaker’s dream library with vast amounts of variety whilst maintaining sonic continuity throughout.
No Cap’s enormous selection of musical elements are really what stands it out from the rest. A plethora of options and unlocked creative potential lurk at every corner, whether you’re after a mix-ready song starter to chop up and warp to your own beat, or take a slightly more clinical approach, diving into the individual elements and writing around those, adding your own sonic imprint, there is something for everyone. You can find edgy synth pads, tastefully soaked in scene setting reverb, ripping basslines that bend and flow for additional character, fuzzy lo-fi woodwinds, and plenty more.
Add some rhythm and punch to your beats with No Cap’s extensive drum collection, ranging from up front and thudding, through to slightly more rounded and restrained kicks and snares, whatever your own production style requires, No Cap can provide. Get moving quickly by utilising one of the many pre-made and mix-ready loops, full of interesting rhythms to add flair to your beats. Alternatively dive in with the individual drum hits to tailor make your beat with precision and intricacy.
Last but not least, utilise No Cap’s SFX collection to add identity and detail to your production. These well crafted pieces of ear candy may go unnoticed to the listener compared to the main elements but are an essential tool to add depth to the sonic environment your track lives in.
No Cap delivers high quality and versatile samples across a range of styles, ideal for beatmakers of all levels, from casual hobbyists to professionally featured producers.
· 472 Samples