eqSounds | Splice | 6.29 GB
Nocturne: Shattered Symphonies:夜曲:破碎的交响曲
受到古代作曲家的启发,《Nocturne: Shattered Symphonies》将古典音乐带入 21 世纪,融合了感染力的旋律、华丽的琶音、宏伟的弦乐、歌剧人声和翻转元素。由 Charles Dorman 使用日本 Yamaha C7 大钢琴制作和演奏,此音色包包含无限量的钢琴循环,涵盖从忧郁到激进的各种情绪和情感。与 808、令人瞠目结舌的鼓点以及由 Robert Hanshaw-Lopez 和 James Stanley 演唱的正宗德国歌剧相匹配和切分,这个音色包是一个独一无二的合集,一定会以全新的方式激发您的灵感。
Inspired by the composers of old, Nocturne: Shattered Symphonies takes classical music into the 21st century with infectious melodies, sweeping arpeggios, bombastic strings, and operatic vocals and flips them on their heads. Produced and performed by Charles Dorman on a Japanese Yamaha C7 grand piano, this pack contains limitless piano loops covering a range of emotions and feelings from melancholy to aggressive. Matched and chopped with 808s, neck-breaking drums, and authentic German opera performed by Robert Hanshaw-Lopez and James Stanley, this pack is a one-of-a-kind collection that's sure to inspire you in a whole new way.
· 277 Samples
· 20 Presets
· 30 Extras