eqSounds | Splice | 253 MB
KAVARI是驻苏格兰格拉斯哥的艺术家、制作人和DJ,以其高对比度的制作和表演而闻名,将工业、环境、俱乐部和流行音乐融合到她自己扭曲的声音中。她在2021年获得了苏格兰另类音乐奖的 “最佳电子 “艺术家提名,并在全国一些最受欢迎的场所表演,赢得了苏格兰地下音乐界新星之一的声誉。
Noise Requiem是对KAVARI独特的声音领域的邀请,这个领域用艺术家自己的话来描述最合适,我们发现它被刻在一块长满青苔的墓碑上:
KAVARI is an artist, producer, and DJ based in Glasgow, Scotland, known for her high-contrast productions and performances that fuse industrial, ambient, club, and pop into her own twisted sound. She received a nomination for ‘Best Electronic’ Artist at the Scottish Alternative Music Awards in 2021 and has performed at some of the most popular venues across the country, earning a reputation as one of the Scottish underground music scene’s rising stars.
‘Noise Requiem’ is an invitation into KAVARI’s distinctive realm of sound, a realm best described in the artist’s own words, which we found engraved on a mossy headstone:
“I like my sounds to come across like they have a setting. A bass being played from a blown out broken speaker in the basement of an abandoned mansion, a pad that’s coming from an instrument that belonged to a long lost forest dwelling civilisation made from an unknown material that enchants the listener, percussion that sounds like the guttural roar of a folklore-esque creature that lurks the wildness in the dead of night. Haunting, heavy, broken, blissful, unsettling, but also with an odd sense of comfort. I wanted this pack to be a bundle of these imaginary settings. A requiem for sonic corruption in its rawest form.”
· 206 Samples
· 22 Presets