eqSounds | Splice | 3.41 GB
尼龙弦吉他是一系列由 Mike Bono 演奏、Charles Van Kirk 混音的样本集合。这个尼龙吉他包展示了 Mike 在乐器上的多样性,包括受波萨诺瓦、经典电影配乐和爵士乐启发的循环。每种声音都有两个不同版本的处理:一个是全频谱高保真版本,另一个是“低保真”版本,后者拥抱了尼龙弦吉他常唤起的复古风味。
Mike Bono 是一位驻扎在纽约市的知名会话音乐家。他经常在百老汇和其他如卡内基音乐厅、蓝音符和鸟之地等城市场所演出。Charles Van Kirk 是一位位于缅因州中部海岸的制作人,也是 Splice 的频繁合作者。
Nylon String Guitar is a collection performed by Mike Bono and mixed by Charles Van Kirk. This nylon guitar pack showcases Mike's versatility on the instrument, featuring loops inspired by bossa nova, classic film scores and jazz. There are two different versions of processing for each sound: one that is full spectrum high fidelity and one "lo-fi" version, which embraces a vintage flavor often evoked by the nylon string guitar.
Mike Bono is a renowned session musician based in New York City. He performs regularly on Broadway and at other venues in the city such as Carnegie Hall, Blue Note and Birdland. Charles Van Kirk is a producer based in Midcoast Maine and a frequent collaborator with Splice.
· 760 Samples