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Princess Girlfriend 3, a tracey brakes moment

Princess Girlfriend 3, a tracey brakes moment

eqSounds | Splice | 173 MB


在“Princess Girlfriend”系列的最后一作中,我们的镰刀挥舞的音效女王释放了300多种声音,让音乐制作大师们大显身手,留下了数月的电脑哭泣、令人上瘾的旋律和膨胀的音色,并连续霸占 Splice 榜首。现在,经过一年多的疯狂制作——以及与 Bring me the Horizon 等艺术家的合作——合成术士 Tracey Brakes 带来了备受期待的“公主女友3”,这次更加强调多样性和声域探索。

在这部作品中,我们将发现我们沉重低音的女主人公仍在她的兼收并蓄的声域之旅中劈荆斩棘,并沿途结识了一个神奇的,长角蹄状的伙伴。他们一起,凭借 Tracey 的声音设计智慧和她的“小马伙伴”Smart Water 的独角兽魔法,形成了不可阻挡的音乐创造力。

她已经从 gm_construct 中那个介乎现实与梦境之间的公寓大楼搬到了 gm_fork 山区的适合女巫居住的小屋,我们在那里就她最新的作品进行了采访:

“自从那个原始音包在 r/drumkits 上发布以来,这么多年过去了,我的目标仍然没有改变。那些摇摇欲坠的低音、粘稠的音效、荒谬的军鼓和令人回味的旋律,它们的色彩和创作依然丰富多彩,一切都是为了激发人们尽可能诚实地创作个人作品。无论你是受到鼓舞使用自己的设备创造全新的声音,还是使用我提供的音色来改变风格,当你们被激发创造出完全属于你自己的独特而富有创造力的作品时,我的使命就完成了!永远做你想做的,因为这个世界会因此变得更美好。”


In the last installment of the “Princess Girlfriend” series, our scythe-wielding sonic sorceress let 300 sounds loose into the hands of the music-making masses…leaving a trail of computer cries, catchy melodies, and inflated sonics in her wake, topping the Splice charts for months. Now, synth warlock Tracey Brakes is back after a year of hysterical tinkering—as well as collaborations with artists such as Bring me the Horizon—with the highly anticipated ‘Princess Girlfriend 3,’ this time with even more emphasis on variety and sonic exploration.

In this episode, we find our heavy-bass heroine is still hacking and slashing away on her journey to eclectic sound-dom, and she’s made a magical, horned and hoofed friend along the way. Together, with Tracey’s sound design savvy and her pony friend Smart Water’s unicorn magic, they form an unstoppable force of musical creativity.

She has since moved out of her liminal-esque apartment complex in gm_construct, to a hut fit for a witch in the mountainous countryside of gm_fork, where we convened for comment on her latest release:

“Ever since that first pack was released on r/drumkits all those years ago, the goal has remained the same. The wonky basses, gooey effects, ludicrous snares, and evocative melodies remain ever variant in their color and creation, and all serve the purpose of wanting to inspire people to create work that is as personally honest with themselves as possible. Whether you are inspired to use your own equipment to create entirely new sounds, or use the ones I provide to switch things up, my job is done when you are inspired to create work that entirely speaks to you as a unique and creative individual! Make what you want forever because the world will be better from it.”




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