eqSounds | Splice | 315 MB
RARE Percussion带来了以前从未采样过的、最近在地球各地发明的乐器。这些都是真实的乐器,以不同的方式录制和演奏,为任何音轨增添色彩、Texture。
我们使用的乐器包括瓶盖、钥匙、种子、铃铛、刷子、新发明的Texture乐器、非洲的蝴蝶茧等等。然后混合和设计了一些声音,可以直接插入你的作品,同时还留下了一些Dry的音轨,让你获得Texture效果。敬请期待更多来自RARE Percussion的作品。
Spacey reverb echo chamber instruments? Texture instruments invented in brazil made from doorkeys or bottlecaps? Here you’ll find vibey and different textures that you can’t find anywhere else right now.
RARE textures brings never before sampled instruments recently invented in various locations on planet earth. These are all real instruments recorded and performed in different ways to add color vibe, and texture to any track.
The instruments we used were bottlecaps, doorkeys, seeds, bells, brushes, newly invented texture instruments, butterfly cacoons from africa, and more. Then mixed and desgined some sounds ready to plug into your production while also leaving some dry takes so you get the organic texture as well. Be on the lookout for more from RARE percussion.