eqSounds | Splice | 1.37 GB
继第四卷取得排行榜冠军的成功之后,Hanz 和 Sem0r 回归 Komorebi Audio,带来了“Reconnecting - Hanz x Sem0r Vol. 5”。
作为 Reconnecting 系列的第五部,这对二人组带来了大量鼓舞人心且可用于音轨的歌曲起始循环、跑调和节奏合成器堆叠、受 Y2K 影响的鼓循环以及天堂般的合唱团。这个采样包的低频部分由高质量且厚重的 808 声音以及独特且模拟的合成器贝斯组成。
在听觉糖果方面,这对二人组还收录了一系列 FX 起音、降音、哔哔声、嘟嘟声以及介于两者之间的一切声音。除此之外,你还可以找到丰富的真实世界 Foley 录音和空灵旋律氛围。
与往常一样,所有声音均以高质量 .wav 文件提供,并且 100% 免版税。
After the chart topping success of vol. 4, Hanz & Sem0r return to Komorebi Audio for Reconnecting - Hanz x Sem0r Vol. 5.
The fifth instalment in the reconnecting series sees the duo deliver a huge amount of inspiring and track ready songstarter loops, detuned and rhythmic synth stacks, y2k influenced drum loops and heavenly vocal ensembles. The low end in this pack consists of high quality and thick 808 sounds and unique and analog synth bass.
In terms of ear candy the pair have also included a selection of fx risers, downers, bleeps, bloops and everything in between. Alongside this you can find a rich collection of real world foley recordings and ethereal melodic atmospheres.
As always all sounds are provided as high quality .wav files and are 100% royalty free.
· 720 Samples