eqSounds | Splice | 518 MB
从扳手的叮当声、锯子的有节奏的嗡嗡声和油罐的旋律共鸣中锻造出的节奏和和谐。丹麦艺术家 Slow Ammo 在哥本哈根翻修她的公寓时,在现场录下了这些声音。在此过程中,她将部分壁橱变成了一个弹出式录音空间。结果是一个多样化的收藏,其中一些声音包裹在公寓的氛围中,而其他声音则充满了微小的吱吱声和噼啪声。
Reconstruction: Rhythms and harmonies forged from the clang of wrenches, the rhythmic buzz of saws, and the melodic resonance of oil cans. Danish artist Slow Ammo recorded the sounds on-site while renovating her apartment in Copenhagen. During the process, she turned part of her closet into a pop-up recording space. The result is a varied collection where some sounds are swaddled in the apartment’s ambience while others are rich with tiny creaks and crackles.
The pack’s concrete tools provide a solid foundation with sounds available in both raw and processed forms to help you nail whatever project is in your pipeline. Lay the groundwork for your next track with gritty, textural, percussive and melodic loops made from field recordings. Whether you're looking to break new ground or break it down, this pack will help you lay it down brick by brick.
· 250 Samples