eqSounds | Splice | 107 MB
Reggaeton Brass:拉丁铜管乐器的节奏世界
准备好进入雷鬼顿铜管乐器的节奏世界吧!灵感来源于现代拉丁格莱美艺术家如 Rosalia、J Balvin 和 Bad Bunny,我们的小号和长号样本以精准和风格化的方式制作而成。
由 Touch Loops 制作,Michele Fortunato 创作,Michele Fortunato(长号)和 Alessandro Fresu(小号)录制。
通过精美的录音链录制,我们覆盖了三个欢快的节奏(110 BPM、112 BPM、120 BPM)的标志性和弦进行。
Prepare to enter the rhythmic world of Reggaeton Brass. Inspired by modern Latin Grammy artists like Rosalia, J Balvin and Bad Bunny, our trumpet and trombone samples have been crafted with precision and style.
Produced by Touch Loops, composed by Michele Fortunato, recorded by Michele Fortunato (trombone) and Alessandro Fresu (trumpet).
Recorded through a beautiful recording chain, we’ve covered iconic chord progressions across three upbeat tempos (110 BPM, 112 BPM, 120 BPM).
Digging inside you’ll find vibrant lead trumpet riffs and Latin Reggaeton upbeat backing sections, dynamic brass crescendos and trombone staccato melodies. Primed for Reggaeton, AfroBeat and any piece of music that requires Latin touch, we just know you’ll love these iconic, royalty free brass samples.
So, if you’re in the mood for some live brass inspiration then this ones for you. Expertly recorded, beautiful in tone. Get stuck into this Reggaeton Sample Pack today!
· 60 Samples