eqSounds | Splice | 632 MB
被忧郁笼罩的《Sad Girl: Alt Pop》探索了由 Billie Eilish、Lorde 和 Halsey 等艺术家流行的黑暗磨砂电子音乐景观。
期待温柔、富有情感的人声钩子、堆叠和立体声扩展的插话、过滤和切碎的循环、声码器短语和重度处理的单发样本。我们甚至更进一步添加了键盘、磨砂合成器、弹跳的 808 鼓和重新采样的鼓和打击乐循环,以补充人声。
凭借另类流行音乐制作人 Charlie McClean 的创意触觉,这个包提供了详细的声乐编排、透明的调音和编辑以及雕刻的声音设计。一如既往,我们使用了高端模拟链,包括 AKG C414 BXLS II 麦克风、UA 610-B 前置放大器,并应用 UA SSL E 通道条处理,以捕捉经过仔细过滤、均衡和动态处理的声乐表演。
旨在为任何实验性制作人提供灵感,这些声音将立即为任何流派增添特色。突破界限,拥抱另类,这个全新型、原创的、100% 免版税样本选择。
Veiled in melancholy, Sad Girl: Alt Pop explores the dark gritty electro landscape popularised by artists such as Billie Eilish, Lorde and Halsey.
This collection delivers a modern take on contemporary pop music, with a rich pallet of moody lyrics combined with manipulated vocal and melodic loops. Written and recorded in-house using close mic techniques, delicate vocal engineering and inventive sound design.
Expect gentle, emotive vocal hooks, stacked and stereo-widened adlibs, filtered and chopped loops, vocoded phrases and heavily processed one shots. We’ve taken it even further to add keys, grungy synths, bouncing 808s and resampled drum and percussion loops composed to compliment the vocals.
With the creative touch of alt-pop producer pro, Charlie McClean, this pack delivers detailed vocal arrangement, transparent tuning and editing and sculpted sound design. As always, we engaged a high-end analogue chain comprising of an AKG C414 BXLS II microphone, UA 610-B pre-amp and applying UA SSL E channel strip treatment to capture a carefully filtered, equalised and dynamic vocal performance.
Designed to deliver inspiration to any experimental producer, these sounds will instantly add character to any genre. Push the boundaries and embrace the alternative with this selection of all new and original, 100% royalty free samples.
· 326 Samples