eqSounds | Splice | 300 MB
Sandunes(Sanaya Ardeshir)是一位键盘手、作曲家和beatsmith。她来自孟买,她的工作足迹遍布全球,曾为Bonobo、George Fitzgerald和Pretty Lights等乐队提供支持–仅举几例。她还与红牛电视合作,制作了他们的全球 “寻找声音 “系列,对孟买丰富的声音织体进行编目。她以其多样化的电子音乐而闻名,将折衷主义的感觉与进步的电子元素相结合。她作为钢琴家和键盘手的成长经历使她能够创造出情感丰富的音床。她的音乐被描述为全球灵感成分的融合。这正是你在Sandune的Splice样本包中所发现的:一个由风铃、竖琴、发现的声音、现场录音等组成的折衷组合。
Sandunes (Sanaya Ardeshir) is a keys player, composer, and beatsmith. Hailing from Mumbai, her work has a global footprint having supported acts such as Bonobo, George Fitzgerald, and Pretty Lights—to name just a few. She’s also partnered with Red Bull TV for their global Searching For Sound series, cataloging the rich sonic tapestry of Bombay. She’s known for her diverse blend of electronica, which combines eclectic sensibilities with progressive electronic elements. Her upbringing as a pianist and keyboard player allows her to create emotive beds of sound. Her music has been described as a fusion of globally inspired ingredients. That’s exactly what you’ll find in Sandune’s Splice sample pack: an eclectic mix of chimes, harps, found sounds, field recordings, and so much more.
· 264 Samples
· 13 Extras