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Scavenger Hunt – Future Nostalgia

Scavenger Hunt – Future Nostalgia

eqSounds | Splice | 211 MB

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Scavenger Hunt是对80年代和90年代流行音乐的最佳声音的现代化演绎。这支乐队背后的二人组是乐器制作人Dan Mufson和歌曲作者兼主唱Jill Lamoureux。他们一起制作了欢快、舞动的歌曲和铿锵、情绪化的歌声。受弗利特伍德-麦克、珍妮特-杰克逊、罗宾和菲尼克斯等人的影响,这对组合对流行摇滚的声音有自己的看法,其人声充满活力、多样化、情感丰富、鼓舞人心。

这个音乐包的人声和乐器就像Scavenger Hunt的音乐一样丰富多彩。从干巴巴的独唱,到帮派唱法,再到合成人声效果,每一种音乐类型和风格都有其特点。

As described in our Terms of Use, you may not use Scavenger Hunt’s name, image or likeness without Scavenger Hunt’s express written permission.

Scavenger Hunt is a modernized take on the best sounds of 80’s and 90’s pop. The duo behind the group is instrumentalist-producer Dan Mufson and songwriter-vocalist Jill Lamoureux. Together, they produce upbeat, dancey songs with sonorous, moody vocals. Influenced by the likes of Fleetwood Mac, Janet Jackson,​ ​Robyn,​ and ​Phoenix, the duo has its own take on pop-rock sounds with vocals that are vibrant, diverse, emotive, and inspiring.

This pack features vocals and instrumentals as varied as Scavenger Hunt’s music. From dry, soloed takes to gang vocals to synthetic vocoder effects, there’s something for every musical genre and style.



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