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Secrets In The Air: Cinematic Percussion

Secrets In The Air: Cinematic Percussion

eqSounds | Splice | 787 MB


在疫情期间,打击乐手 Brian Rosenworcel 和 Daniel Freedman 形成了一种独特的纽带,一起在森林树上敲击打击乐、讨论生活和创造力,并在音乐中找到疗法,以保持自己的理智。他们度过了封锁期,建立了深厚的关系,这使得他们能够进行开放的交流和一种不受约束的诚实感,这使他们能够成为他们最纯粹的创意自我。受到他们联系的启发,这二人组联手组成了 Howl Percussion,这是一个迷你乐团,其音乐哲学以鼓和每个曲目中心的节奏为起点。

“这是一种奇怪的建立基础的方法——通常没有和声成分,但我们知道我们可以请我们的音乐朋友帮助我们弄清楚这些节拍想要去哪里。潜入这个未知领域感觉很诱人,并且以他们甚至无法想象的方式绘制了一幅声音画布。我们对所有节奏、情绪和风格都持开放态度,但最终到达了我们两个人之前都没有去过的地方。”—— Howl Percussion

从这种联系中诞生的是《Secrets in the Air》,这是一部精彩的电影配乐,暗示着运动、兴奋、行动和恶作剧。这个样本包是一个强大的、折衷的鼓、世界打击乐、铜管乐器和号角的集合,非常适合抢劫场景、汽车追逐或作为自信英雄抓住一天的背景。经过精心录制和出色地多样化,这个包一定有合适的样本适合任何制作、分数、视频游戏配乐或需要能量和一点神秘感的同步放置。

Daniel Freedman 远远超出了他的鼓组的范围。作为一名精通节奏的催化剂,他将无限的想象力带到了他的声音炼金术天赋中,其影响范围从摇摆的爵士乐到根深蒂固的布鲁斯,以及来自非洲、中东、拉丁美洲及其他地区的广泛传统。他的技能使他从纽约 Smalls Jazz Club 90 年代初的肥沃现场到百老汇舞台,作为 David Byrne 广受好评的“美国乌托邦”以及由 Spike Lee 执导的该剧电影版的一部分。

Brian Rosenworcel 自 90 年代初以来一直与他的乐队 Guster 一起创作歌曲。在 Guster 的开创性 1999 年专辑“Lost & Gone Forever”(由 Steve Lillywhite 制作)中,他只使用了他丰富的手鼓套件,没有使用鼓棒,将他的康加鼓视为动态乐器,而不仅仅是节奏伴奏。作为一名作词家、编曲家和作曲家,Brian 看到鼓之外的整体画面,并继续与 Guster 在世界范围内巡演。


During the pandemic, percussionists Brian Rosenworcel and Daniel Freedman formed a unique bond together going on hikes percussing on forest trees, discussing life and creativity, and finding therapy in music out of unusual objects to keep themselves sane. They spent lockdown building a deep relationship that allowed for open communication and an earned feeling of unencumbered honesty which allowed them to be their purest creative selves. Inspired by their connection, the duo teamed up to form Howl Percussion, a mini group who’s musical philosophy starts with drums and the rhythmic beat at the heart of each track.

“It's a strange way to build a foundation - often with no harmonic component, but we knew we could enlist our musical friends to help us figure out where these beats wanted to go. Diving into this unknown felt inviting and a sonic canvas was painted in ways they couldn't have even imagined. We were open to all tempos, moods, and styles, but ended up places neither of us had been before.” - Howl Percussion

What was born from this connection was Secrets in the Air, a brilliant cinematic score that connotes movement, excitement, action, and mischief. Ideally suited for a heist scene, a car chase, or as the backdrop to a confident hero seizing the day, this sample pack is a powerful eclectic collection of drums, world percussion, brass, and horns. Expertly recorded and brilliantly diverse, this pack is bound to have the right sample to fit any production, score, video game soundtrack, or sync placement that needs energy with a little bit of mystery.


Daniel Freedman extends well beyond the reach of his drum kit. A master rhythmic catalyst, he brings a boundless imagination to his gift for sonic alchemy, with influences ranging from swinging jazz to deep-rooted blues, along with wide-ranging traditions from Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and beyond. His skills have led him from the fertile early ‘90s scene at Smalls Jazz Club in New York City to the Broadway stage, as part of David Byrne’s acclaimed "American Utopia" as well as the movie version of the show, directed by Spike Lee.

Brian Rosenworcel has been crafting songs with his band Guster since the early 90's. On Guster's seminal 1999 album "Lost & Gone Forever" (produced by Steve Lillywhite) he used only his eclectic kit of hand drums and no sticks, viewing his congas as dynamic instruments and not just rhythmic accompaniments. As a lyricist, arranger, and songwriter, Brian sees the whole picture beyond the drums and continues to tour worldwide with Guster.




     ·     294 Samples

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大小:eqSounds | Splice | 787 MB

在疫情期间,打击乐手 Brian Rosenworcel 和 Daniel Freedman 形成了一种独特的纽带,一起在森林树上敲击打击乐、讨论生活和创造力,并在音乐中找到疗法,以保持自己的理智。他们度过了封锁期,建立了深厚的关系,这使得他们能够进行开放的交流和一种不受约束的诚实感,这使他们能够成为他们最纯粹的创意自我。受到他们联系的启发,这二人组联手组成了 Howl Percussion,这是一个迷你乐团,其音乐哲学以鼓和每个曲目中心的节奏为起点。

“这是一种奇怪的建立基础的方法——通常没有和声成分,但我们知道我们可以请我们的音乐朋友帮助我们弄清楚这些节拍想要去哪里。潜入这个未知领域感觉很诱人,并且以他们甚至无法想象的方式绘制了一幅声音画布。我们对所有节奏、情绪和风格都持开放态度,但最终到达了我们两个人之前都没有去过的地方。”—— Howl Percussion

从这种联系中诞生的是《Secrets in the Air》,这是一部精彩的电影配乐,暗示着运动、兴奋、行动和恶作剧。这个样本包是一个强大的、折衷的鼓、世界打击乐、铜管乐器和号角的集合,非常适合抢劫场景、汽车追逐或作为自信英雄抓住一天的背景。经过精心录制和出色地多样化,这个包一定有合适的样本适合任何制作、分数、视频游戏配乐或需要能量和一点神秘感的同步放置。

Daniel Freedman 远远超出了他的鼓组的范围。作为一名精通节奏的催化剂,他将无限的想象力带到了他的声音炼金术天赋中,其影响范围从摇摆的爵士乐到根深蒂固的布鲁斯,以及来自非洲、中东、拉丁美洲及其他地区的广泛传统。他的技能使他从纽约 Smalls Jazz Club 90 年代初的肥沃现场到百老汇舞台,作为 David Byrne 广受好评的“美国乌托邦”以及由 Spike Lee 执导的该剧电影版的一部分。

Brian Rosenworcel 自 90 年代初以来一直与他的乐队 Guster 一起创作歌曲。在 Guster 的开创性 1999 年专辑“Lost & Gone Forever”(由 Steve Lillywhite 制作)中,他只使用了他丰富的手鼓套件,没有使用鼓棒,将他的康加鼓视为动态乐器,而不仅仅是节奏伴奏。作为一名作词家、编曲家和作曲家,Brian 看到鼓之外的整体画面,并继续与 Guster 在世界范围内巡演。


During the pandemic, percussionists Brian Rosenworcel and Daniel Freedman formed a unique bond together going on hikes percussing on forest trees, discussing life and creativity, and finding therapy in music out of unusual objects to keep themselves sane. They spent lockdown building a deep relationship that allowed for open communication and an earned feeling of unencumbered honesty which allowed them to be their purest creative selves. Inspired by their connection, the duo teamed up to form Howl Percussion, a mini group who’s musical philosophy starts with drums and the rhythmic beat at the heart of each track.

“It’s a strange way to build a foundation – often with no harmonic component, but we knew we could enlist our musical friends to help us figure out where these beats wanted to go. Diving into this unknown felt inviting and a sonic canvas was painted in ways they couldn’t have even imagined. We were open to all tempos, moods, and styles, but ended up places neither of us had been before.” – Howl Percussion

What was born from this connection was Secrets in the Air, a brilliant cinematic score that connotes movement, excitement, action, and mischief. Ideally suited for a heist scene, a car chase, or as the backdrop to a confident hero seizing the day, this sample pack is a powerful eclectic collection of drums, world percussion, brass, and horns. Expertly recorded and brilliantly diverse, this pack is bound to have the right sample to fit any production, score, video game soundtrack, or sync placement that needs energy with a little bit of mystery.


Daniel Freedman extends well beyond the reach of his drum kit. A master rhythmic catalyst, he brings a boundless imagination to his gift for sonic alchemy, with influences ranging from swinging jazz to deep-rooted blues, along with wide-ranging traditions from Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and beyond. His skills have led him from the fertile early ‘90s scene at Smalls Jazz Club in New York City to the Broadway stage, as part of David Byrne’s acclaimed “American Utopia” as well as the movie version of the show, directed by Spike Lee.

Brian Rosenworcel has been crafting songs with his band Guster since the early 90’s. On Guster’s seminal 1999 album “Lost & Gone Forever” (produced by Steve Lillywhite) he used only his eclectic kit of hand drums and no sticks, viewing his congas as dynamic instruments and not just rhythmic accompaniments. As a lyricist, arranger, and songwriter, Brian sees the whole picture beyond the drums and continues to tour worldwide with Guster.


     ·     294 Samples

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