eqSounds | Splice | 517 MB
想象一下这样的场景:雨水打湿的街道、闪烁的霓虹灯和远处汽车的轰鸣声。头顶飞机的隆隆声和呼啸声,间或夹杂着远处的枪声和轮胎尖叫声。在这黑暗的城市背景下,是闷闷的脉动电子节拍、金属的碰撞和嗡嗡声,以及机器运转的阴森隆隆声——与隐藏在街道深处的地下狂欢文化的咚咚声相呼应。欢迎来到《Shadow City: Electronic Underworld》的黑暗音域。
这个样本包是布鲁克林和波士顿的制作人和艺术家M!NT和Ricky Sour的创意产物。他们梦想着对一个粗犷、复古未来都市夜景的黑暗和阴郁氛围进行电影式的探索。这个样本包围绕着大量来自纽约和波士顿的模拟合成器和现场录音而构建,唤起了70年代和80年代经典赛博朋克科幻电影配乐的声音。
在样本包中,两人使用了Korg Arp Odyssey、Microkorg、Minikorg、Korg Monopoly、Refx Nexus 4、Borg Prologue等许多合成器。您将听到情绪化的琶音和故障的旋律片段,这些片段将模糊怀旧和未来主义之间的界限,通过吉他踏板和复古放大器运行的实验性声音垫层,创造出丰富的音色和质感,从温暖和复古到故障和令人不安。这些阴郁的调色板可以为您的下一个科幻电影配乐、电子制作或同步放置揭示一种黑暗的粗犷感。今天就在Splice上探索这个样本包。
Imagine a scene of rain-soaked streets, flickering neon signs, and the distant hum of traffic. The rumble and whooshing of an overhead aircraft, punctuated by the occasional, distant pop of gunfire and screeching tires. Around this dark cityscape are muffled, pulsing electronic beats, metallic clangs and whirrs, and the ominous rumble of machines in motion - paralleled with the thumps of underground rave culture hidden deep below the streets. Welcome to the dark sonic depths of Shadow City: Electronic Underworld.
This sample pack is a brainchild of Brooklyn and Boston based producers and artists M!NT and Ricky Sour. They dreamed up a cinematic exploration of the dark and moody atmosphere of a gritty, retro-future urban soundscape at night. This pack is built around an extensive collection of analog synthesizers and field recordings from New York and Boston that evokes the sound of classic cyber punk sci-fi soundtracks from the 70s and 80s.
In the pack the duo pulled from synths like the Korg Arp Odyssey, the Microkorg, the Minikorg, the Korg Monopoly, the Refx Nexus 4, the Borg Prologue and many more. You’ll hear moody arpeggios and glitched-out melodic rifts that will blur the line between nostalgia and futurism, experimental pads run through guitar pedals, and vintage amps to create a rich palette of tones and textures that range from warm and vintage, to glitchy and unsettling. These moody pallets to uncover a dark grittiness in your next sci-fi film score, electronic production, or sync placement. Dive into the pack today only on Splice.
· 236 Samples