eqSounds | Splice | 776 MB
“Sketches From Palestine”是在西岸制作和演奏的,用专业的技巧演绎了该地区和文化中最具代表性的乐器:Oud、Darbuka、Daff和Frame Drum。在RJ音乐工作室以极高保真度录制,这个采样包特别邀请到Charlie Rishmawi弹奏Oud,他低频强劲的Bass给这个采样包的声音调色板增添了电性维度。在打击乐方面,Hussein Abu Al Rub的演奏范围从错综复杂到极简风格,提供了多彩的节奏结构。由John R Handal制作,”Sketches From Palestine”提供了一个真正的传统与现代Palestinian音乐及其文化的真实代表。
Produced and performed in the West Bank, Sketches From Palestine represents the region and its culture with expert playing across some of its most iconic instruments: oud, darbuka, daff and frame drum. Recorded in pristine fidelity at RJ Music Studio, the pack features Charlie Rishmawi on the oud, whose subby bass brings an electric dimension to the pack’s sound palette. On percussion duties, Hussein Abu Al Rub’s playing ranges from intricate to minimalistic, offering a kaleidoscope of rhythmic structures. Produced by John R Handal, Sketches From Palestine offers an authentic representation of both traditional and modern Palestinian music and a vital culture.
· 323 Samples