eqSounds | Splice | 710 MB
Splice Originals:Nate Werth 的打击乐世界
格莱美奖得主打击乐手 Nate Werth 回来了,这次他带来了一个更加震撼的 Splice Originals 发布,里面充满了他的标志性心脏怦怦跳的复节奏和令人牙齿发颤的节奏。利用他开放的心态和精湛的乐器演奏技巧,他在这个音色包中探索了来自世界各地的各种稀有和独特的打击乐器。曾与 Snarky Puppy、Q-Tip 和 David Crosby 等人合作的 Nate 展示了他的声音是多么的多样化。我们对他的演奏进行了处理、切分和拧转,为您提供大量的循环和 one-shots。
Grammy Award-winning percussionist Nate Werth packs a punch in his third Splice Originals release overflowing with his signature heart-pounding polyrhythms and teeth-chattering grooves. Harnessing his open-minded curiosity and craftsman-like approach to instrumentation, he explores a variety of rare and unique percussion instruments from around the world on this pack. Having played with the likes of Snarky Puppy, Q-Tip, and David Crosby, Nate demonstrates just how versatile his sounds can be. We processed, chopped, and screwed his performances to offer you a plethora of loops and one-shots.
· 404 Samples