eqSounds | Splice | 867 MB
“Smoke Rings”专为朦胧的深夜打造,满足您对烟雾缭绕的嘻哈和爵士乐的一切需求。这套音乐汇集了现代爵士乐和动漫文化的影响,新旧结合,为经典之声带来耳目一新的感觉。本音乐包由 Charles Dorman 制作,其中充满了经过过滤的鼓点、听起来像是刻在黑胶唱片上的旋律、高音人声、肮脏的合成器和狂热的爵士钢琴,随时可以采样。或者,如果您正在寻找灵感或特定的、可立即使用的声音,请使用我们为您剪辑的循环。
Made for those hazy, late nights, Smoke Rings has everything you need for your smokey hip hop and jazz needs. Gathering influence from modern jazz and Anime culture, this collection combines new and old for a refreshing take on a classic sound. Produced by Charles Dorman, this pack is full of filtered drum patterns, melodies that sound like they were etched in vinyl, pitched vocals, dirty synths, and frenetic jazz piano ready for sampling. Or, if you’re looking for some inspiration or a specific, ready-to-use sound, use the loops we’ve chopped for you.