eqSounds | Splice | 373 MB
Soltan带着他的第二个Splice包回来了。Soltan是神秘的中东电子音乐人Show Lex的艺名。这个多样化的音乐包涵盖了从dubstep到trap再到中东节拍的所有内容,并向印度文化点头致敬。如果你正在寻找多功能性、范围以及独特的各种特效和重击鼓点,那么这个包是为你准备的。
Soltan is back with his second Splice pack. Soltan is the stage name for the enigmatic Middle Eastern electronic musician, Show Lex. This diverse pack covers everything from dubstep to trap to Middle Eastern beats with a nod to Indian culture. If versatility, range, and a unique variety of FX and hard-hitting drum beats are what you’re looking for, this pack is for you.
· 379 Samples