eqSounds | Splice | 542 MB
Bryn Bliska 来自旧金山湾区,是一名制作人、作曲家和音乐家,居住在纽约布鲁克林。她的声音和技能融合了90年代流行音乐和R&B音乐的童年,以及她的爵士乐训练和对技术的喜爱。在这个音乐包中,她创造了一系列堆叠的人声安排、温暖的Rhodes循环、美丽的立式钢琴进展和其他宝石,为你的作品添加有机的亮点或激发原创的想法。
Bliska在成为一名成功的作曲家和制作人之前,作为一名钢琴家和歌唱家在爵士乐世界里成长。由于结合了这两个世界,她的声音借鉴了爵士乐、R&B、新灵魂、嘻哈、流行和电子音乐。她的一些主要音乐影响者包括Joni Mitchell、Frank Ocean、James Blake、J. Dilla、Stevie Wonder、Herbie Hancock、D’Angelo、Bjork和Robyn。
Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Bryn Bliska is a producer, composer, and musician based in Brooklyn, NY. Her sound and skills merge a childhood soundtracked by 1990s pop and R&B jams with her jazz training and an affinity for technology. For this pack, she created a collection of stacked vocal arrangements, warm Rhodes loops, beautiful upright piano progressions, and other gems to add organic flair to your productions or to spark original ideas.
Bliska came up in the jazz world as a pianist and vocalist before becoming an accomplished composer and producer. As a result of combining these two worlds, her sound draws upon jazz, R&B, neo-soul, hip hop, pop, and electronic music. Some of her primary musical influences include Joni Mitchell, Frank Ocean, James Blake, J. Dilla, Stevie Wonder, Herbie Hancock, D’Angelo, Bjork, and Robyn.
· 196 Samples