eqSounds | Splice | 384 MB
你可以称Harold O’Neal为爵士钢琴家,但同样准确的是,你可以称他为键盘专家。他的天赋卓越却又难以捉摸,让简单的看起来复杂,复杂的看起来却简单。他的声音穿越墙壁、隔墙和砖块,在场馆外也同样强大。O’Neal演奏的简单旋律可能能让你从迷茫中清醒过来。而一旦你感受到他手指的流畅感、节奏和音调之间完美的舞蹈,你就会更加着迷。Jay-Z、U2、Ski Beats、Bobby Watson和”海滨帝国”都曾依靠奥尼尔独特的演奏风格。
对于Soul Serum Keys采样包,我们想要的不仅仅是一般未来化的Serum预设,因此我们邀请O’Neal莅临我们的工作室,用他独特的方法演奏一些爵士和灵魂键盘独奏。我们录下了他的音频和Midi输出,捕捉了他演奏的时机和节奏。我们将这次演奏转化为独特的Serum预设,以配合他演奏的整体氛围:Jazz风格的键盘和Soul的声音。除了预设,我们还包含了Midi轨和原始音频,以及Chopped 、制作好的Loop和One-Shots。
You could call Harold O’Neal a jazz pianist, sure, but it would be equally accurate to call him a keyboard cryptologist. His talents are the type that clarify while they elude, making the simple seem complex and the complex, simple. His sound reaches you far outside a venue, filtered through layers of drywall, insulation, and brick, no less powerful. A simple melodic progression played by O’Neal might can slap you out of an existential stupor. And once you make out the swagger of his fingers, the delicate dance between rhythm and tone, you need more. Jay-Z, U2, Ski Beats, Bobby Watson, and Boardwalk Empire have all leaned on O’Neal for his particular style of play, and we can see why.
For Soul Serum Keys, we wanted something different than your average pack of future-leaning Serum presets, so we invited O’Neal to visit our studio and play some jazz and soul keyboard arrangements with his particular approach. We recorded both his audio and his midi output, capturing the essence of his timing and tac. We turned this performance into unique Serum presets that match the overall vibes of what he played: jazz-infused keys and soul-soaked sounds. In addition to the presets, we’ve included the midi stems and the original audio, chopped into arrangement-ready loops and one-shots.
· 110 Samples
· 111 Presets
· 110 Extras