eqSounds | Splice | 3.49 GB
结构:《Soulful Ballads》包含9个大型歌曲构建套件。每个构建套件都有不同的部分,以增加创造变化的可能性。每个文件夹都有自己的演示混音,以便你快速了解音乐概览。此外,所有乐器和鼓点轨道都可以单独使用。每个鼓组包含一个混合立体声鼓循环和所有单独轨道的干燥版本——包括底鼓、军鼓、踩镲、通鼓、高架麦克风和房间麦克风。每个文件夹提供了大量不同的循环选择,所有这些都很好地协同工作,或者可以单独使用。文件夹中的所有循环都可以轻松组合。因此,你可以选择循环来完成一整首歌,或者只用一个样本来制作你的歌——所有这些都可以在几秒钟内完成。这些循环易于直观地使用,使得快速的工作流程成为可能,这在音乐制作中当然是至关重要的。
重要提示: 此产品中的所有循环都是100%免版税的,这意味着购买后你可以在制作中使用这些循环,而无需支付任何隐藏费用。此产品中的所有或部分样本已经在Ueberschall的“Soulful Pop”产品中发布。
Soulful guitar solos and radio-friendly riffs served with smooth harmonies, mind-bending arrangements and groovy drum and bass parts make this collection a great addition to any production. The smooth and tasty mix of different musical vibes will bring your track to the boil!. Enjoy your musical dinner menu with Soulful Ballads!
Structure: Soulful Ballads includes 9 big song construction kits. Each Construction Kit has different parts to increase the possibilities of creating variations. Each folder has its own demo mix to give you a quick musical overview. Furthermore, all instrument and drum tracks are available individually. Each Drum kit contains a mixed stereo drum loop and all individual tracks as a dry version – including kick, snare, hi-hats, toms, overheads and room microphones. Each folder offers a huge selection of different loops, all of which work well together or can be used individually. All loops of a folder can easily be combined. Thus you can select loops for a complete song or just use a sample for your song – all within seconds. These loops are easy and intuitive to work with, enabling a fast workflow, which, of course, is essential in music production.
Recordings: The recordings and sound designs are made with high-quality recording equipment to capture a tremendous closeness of each sound. You will not only notice the textbook quality, but also the variety and high-quality processing we are eager to produce. The loops are pre-mixed and ready to use, with perfect EQ and light compression. They have been carefully and professionally recorded by proven experts, using top quality studio equipment, with sound optimized.
Important: All loops in this product are 100% royalty-free, which means that after purchase you can use these loops in your productions without paying any hidden costs. All or some samples in this product have already been released in Ueberschalls „Soulful Pop“ product.
Pack Contents:
- 9 Construction Kits
- 2088 Loops
- Tempo & Key Labelled
- 50 BPM – 95 BPM
- 100% Royalty Free
- Format: WAV
- 24 Bit & 44.1 Khz
· 2088 Samples