eqSounds | Splice | 472 MB
““房间的声音 – 电clé 电子舞曲”不仅仅是采样包,它更是一段穿越丰富声音和感官体验的宇宙之旅,由艺术天才 Nahuel Bronzini 和 Felipe Ubeda 共同创作。Nahuel Bronzini 曾两次获得格莱美奖,因与 Fantastic Negrito 和 Cigarbox Man 的合作而闻名;Felipe Ubeda则是 Cigarbox Man 的主唱/吉他手和创始成员。该系列样本包源自加州伯克利,融合了智利和阿根廷安第斯山脉丰富的文化织锦、对电影的热爱以及勇于尝试的美食精神。
Nahuel 和 Felipe 将传统乐器例如原声和电吉他、贝斯、哈姆顿风琴、电钢琴 (Wurlitzer) 和陶笛进行了创新改造,通过新颖的效果器和音效设计扩展了它们的音色。
“房间的声音”中的每个样本都将您带到充满活力的 Valparaiso、布宜诺斯艾利斯和 Rio de Janeiro 街头,融合了节奏和氛围,灵感源自龙舌兰酒、杜松子酒和皮斯科酒的韵味。这个系列不仅仅是声音的集合;它更是一个邀请,让您通过全新的视角去探索电子舞曲丰富而电气化的世界。拥抱离奇,跟随“房间的声音 – 电clé 电子舞曲”开启这段非凡的听觉之旅吧!”
“Sound of Rooms – Eclectic Electronic Dance” is not just a sample pack; it’s a journey through a universe of eclectic sounds and sensory experiences, meticulously created by the artistic genius of co-producers Nahuel Bronzini, a 2-time Grammy Winner known for his work with Fantastic Negrito and Cigarbox Man, and Felipe Ubeda, the lead singer/guitarist and founding member of Cigarbox Man. Crafted in Berkeley, CA, this pack reflects the rich cultural tapestry of the Chilean and Argentinean Andes, a love for film, and an adventurous spirit in experimental cuisine.
Nahuel and Felipe have transformed traditional instruments like acoustic and electric guitars, bass, Hammond organ, Wurlitzer, and ocarina, extending their sounds through innovative pedals and sound design.
They’ve boldly experimented with everyday objects and furniture to create unique percussive and synth-like textures. Imagine the depth of kick sounds derived from a couch side rail or the rhythm of percussion founded on the flipping of book pages and the tapping of wine cups.
Each sample in “Sound of Rooms” transports you to the vibrant streets of Valparaiso, Buenos Aires, and Rio de Janeiro, intertwining rhythms and moods with inspirations drawn from the flavors of mezcal, gin, and pisco. This pack is more than a collection of sounds; it’s an invitation to explore dance music’s eclectic and electrifying world through an entirely new lens. Embrace the eccentric and embark on this extraordinary auditory journey with “Sound of Rooms – Eclectic Electronic Dance.”
· 246 Samples