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Sounds of KSHMR Vol. 2

Sounds of KSHMR Vol. 2

eqSounds | Splice | 1.03 GB

我很荣幸为您提供Sounds of KSHMR Vol. 2。这次我收录了超过1500个样本–是第一卷的四倍–以便为各种类型的制作人提供最好的工具。你会发现像Kicks、Toms和Snares这样的基本要素–所有的处理和键标记。但事情变得更加有趣。比如说:

– 动物:38种动物的声音,经过处理和调音。
– 鼓声循环:从印度打击乐到体育馆里的人群踩踏声。
– 民族乐器:来自世界各地的不寻常的乐器,演奏我自己写的旋律。
– 吉他循环:三个文件夹中充满了原声和电吉他的和弦进展。
– 声乐:超过100个声乐镜头、床位和循环,为你的制作添加了人性元素。



阿拉伯语 “音阶
C -> C# -> E-> F -> G -> G# -> A# -> C
如果这些看起来很混乱,考虑一下F调和小调音阶。这些音符是一样的。我们只是从C开始,从而达到 “阿拉伯 “的感觉。




I am proud to give you Sounds of KSHMR Vol 2. I’ve included over 1500 samples this time — four times the size of Vol 1 — in order to supply producers of every genre with the best tools available.You will find essentials like Kicks, Toms and Snares — all processed and key-labeled. But things get much more interesting. For example:

– Animals: 38 animal sounds, processed and tuned to key.
– Drum Loops: from Indian Percussion to crowds stomping in a gym.
– Ethnic Instruments: unusual instruments from all over the world, playing melodies I’ve written myself.
– Guitar Loops: three folders filled with chord progressions on Acoustic and Electric guitar.
– Vocals: over 100 vocal shots, beds and loops to add a human element to your production.
And much more.

A few things I want you to bear in mind while using the pack:

Key Labels
I’ve used them extensively throughout the pack, even on snares and claps. Take it with a grain of salt, not everything has to be perfectly in key all the time.

The “Arabic” Scale
There are a lot of scales associated with the Middle East. The one I refer to throughout the pack goes as follows, using the root of C:
C —> C# —> E—> F —> G —> G# —> A# —> C
If these seems confusing, consider the F harmonic minor scale. The notes are the same. We are simply starting on the C, thus achieving the “Arabic” feel.

The Animals FX Folder
Have fun with this. The results might surprise you.

Sounds of KSHMR Vol 2 is, in my opinion, among the most powerful and comprehensive tools ever offered to modern producers. It took a lot of time and I lost a lot of sleep, but I couldn’t be more proud of the result. Best of luck in all your creative journeys.

Respect, KSHMR



     ·      1465 Samples

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