eqSounds | Splice | 140 MB
Andrew Huang 的 Space Slime 采样包反映了他不拘一格的品味和技术,其中包含深沉的 808、赝品打击乐、纹理立管、相位人声咆哮等等。其中许多音效都是用他收藏的精品、模拟和模块化合成器制作的,还有一些他能接触到的标志性古董,如 TONTO(史蒂夫-汪达曾使用过)和在《第三类亲密接触》中播放著名外星人信息的 ARP 2500。此外,他还坚信音乐无处不在,因此还使用拉链、剃须刀和钢珠枪制作了其他采样。
Andrew Huang’s Space Slime sample pack reflects his ever eclectic tastes and techniques, containing deep 808’s, foley percussion, textured risers, phase vocoded growls and much more. Many of the sounds were made with his collection of boutique, analog, and modular synths, as well as some iconic vintage pieces he has had access to such as TONTO (used by Stevie Wonder) and the actual ARP 2500 that played the famous alien message in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. At the opposite end of the spectrum, as a firm believer that music is everywhere, other samples were created using zippers, razors, and a pellet gun.
· 314 Samples