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Technicolor Soul

Technicolor Soul

eqSounds | Splice | 600 MB

由Gavin Turek和Chris Hartz编写,Hartz制作和演奏,Splice Originals。Technicolor Soul是根据Gavin Turek的新唱片的录音文件制作的。在加州洛杉矶的Sunset Sound Studio录制和表演,这个包充满了吉他、风琴、合成器、巨大的鼓、合唱团、拍打的贝斯线、管子和喇叭。它提供了动态的灵魂之声,带有松散的嘻哈、寒潮、流行和福音的色彩。

哈茨曾作为Childish Gambino和Passion Pit的成员制作和演出。他还为电视节目《快乐结局》制作音乐,并为太阳马戏团制作、安排和表演音乐。作为一名制作人,他与洛杉矶本地人加文-图雷克(Gavin Turek)在她的最新专辑中进行了密切的合作。作为一个受过专业训练的舞蹈家和父母都是音乐家的孩子,加文-图雷克从蒂娜-特纳到碧昂斯的任何地方都引起了比较,但她已经作为一种力量,以她自己的标志性风格取得了成绩。

Written by Gavin Turek and Chris Hartz and produced and performed by Hartz, Splice Originals: Technicolor Soul was made from the session files for Gavin Turek’s new record. Recorded and performed at Sunset Sound Studio in Los Angels, CA, this pack is brimming with guitars, organs, synths, huge drums, choir, slapping bass lines, winds, and horns. It offers dynamic soul sounds with tinges of lo-fi hip hop, chillwave, pop, and gospel.

Hartz has produced and performed as a member of Childish Gambino and Passion Pit. He also makes music for the TV show, Happy Endings and produces, arranges, and performs music for Cirque du Soleil. As a producer, he collaborated closely with fellow LA-native Gavin Turek on her latest album. A professionally trained dancer and child of two musician parents, Gavin Turek has drawn comparisons anywhere from Tina Turner to Beyoncé, but has made her mark as a force of her own, signature style.



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