eqSounds | Splice | 572 MB
我们知道大家都在想什么:第三季都过五个月了,怎么还没有新的扩展包?别担心,我们的团队一直在辛勤地开采样本,为您的采样素材库提供全新换装的最佳方式。无论是平面设计师还是像素游戏爱好者,都能一眼认出我们向互联网上最古老的素材包类型之一致敬 – 纹理包 (Texture Pack)。
我们组建了一个由过去备受喜爱的人物组成的专家团队 – 纹理专家 (texperts)。其中包括苏格兰黑暗解构女王 KAVARI,她以充满俱乐部混乱氛围的恐怖系音景而闻名,从苏格兰另类音乐奖到 Aphex Twin 都对她赞赏有加;还有我们的超音速学者 cutspace,他是 ian、xang 和 Moh Baretta 的首席制作人,擅长通过探索陷阱和 plugg 风格并将其融入环境氛围,在频率 (和类型) 的极限上进行创新;最后是 dusty nomad of the lofi depths – oakscreen,他擅长用声音编织出跨越情感领域的声毯。
采样包中的纹理文件夹通常是各种声音的坟墓,但今天不是这样!这 255 个声音涵盖了所有纹理素材:长时间的环境音、调性和非调性的铺底音色、用于加厚鼓声的噪音层、扫频、冲击音、原始的拟音等等!
We know what you’ve all been thinking: 5 months into Season 3 and still no new Expansion Packs?? Well fear not, our team has been tirelessly at work in the sample mines crafting the next best way to reskin your sample chests. Graphic designers and block-based gamers alike may recognize the homage we are paying to one of the internet’s oldest pack types: a Texture Pack.
We’ve assembled a crack team of texperts (texture experts) from Moments past whom you know and love. KAVARI, Scotland’s dark mistress of deconstruction, known for horror-inspired soundscapes amid club chaos, championed by everyone from the Scottish Alternative Music Awards to Aphex Twin; cutspace, our supersonic scholar, a go-to producer for ian, xang & Moh Baretta innovating in frequency (and genre) extremes by pushing trap and plugg into ambient echelons; And oakscreen, a dusty nomad of the lofi depths, painting blankets of sound across the emotional landscape.
The texture folder of a sample pack is often where miscellaneous sounds go to die, but not today—These 255 sounds comprise a comprehensive collection of everything textural: longform ambiences, tonal (and atonal) pads, noise layers to thicken your drums, sweeps, impacts, raw foley and more!
· 225 Samples