eqSounds | Splice | 413 MB
超过300个循环,填充和一个镜头的灵魂的鼓,时髦的低音,复古吉他和蓝调键盘,如芬德罗得,梅洛特隆和神圣的140B的Wurlitzer钢琴。所有的东西都是通过Neve 1073前置放大器录制的,并混合使用了备受追捧的板外压缩器和进一步的均衡器。这个包是为那些喜欢他们的作品在节奏部分的核心部分具有真实乐器和明确的人类灵魂的人而策划的。
Over 300 loops, fills and one shots of soulful drums, funky bass, vintage guitars and bluesy keyboards such as Fender Rhodes, Mellotron and the hallowed 140B Wurlitzer Piano. Everything recorded through Neve 1073 preamps with a mixture of highly sought after outboard compressors and further EQ. This pack was curated for anyone who likes their productions to feature real instruments with that unmistakable human soul at the heart of the rhythm section.
· 335 Samples
· 4 Presets