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This Pack Is Fire

This Pack Is Fire

eqSounds | Splice | 479 MB

Origin Sound为您带来了我们的专业节拍制作工具系列的新产品。This Pack Is Fire “提供了所有陷阱和乐器成分的易燃包,以点燃你的工作室会议,让创造力充分燃烧起来。

开始探索 “This Pack Is Fire “时,请仔细阅读广泛和不拘一格的音乐循环文件夹。这个包里有超过100种声音,可以立即让你的创造力得到发挥,这个包里有你制作世界级乐器所需的所有工具。无论你是需要厚实的低音,厚实而轰动的808,八十年代风格的合成器进展,深情而流行的和弦弹奏,硬的和弦进展,会让你的节拍绝对弹开,缥缈的晨曦长笛,或忧郁的模拟线索,旋律文件夹将有适合你的东西。该文件夹还包含一个非常有利的歌曲开始部分,充满了包含旋律、和弦和低音的组合循环。这些组合循环是寻找灵感的完美场所,或者学习我们的专业制作人如何将这些不同的元素融合在一起。

在冲洗完音乐循环后,一头扎进全面的鼓文件夹中。与拥有一个好的旋律钩子和蓬勃的808s同样重要的是,一个坚实的鼓槽将为一个节拍带来活力。This Pack Is Fire “充斥着强而有力的鼓点。有超过60个循环和超过100个鼓点,这个顶级产品将提供你需要的所有材料。

This Pack Is Fire “带来了一些红色的额外内容,包括不同的音乐单曲选择,以及一个广泛的SFX文件夹。在音乐单曲文件夹中,你会发现一个杰出的选择,即强劲的808镜头和丰富的合成器镜头。在SFX文件夹中,有一系列的foley impact hits, vocal shots, sirens, risers, 和其他有用的杂项效果。

This Pack Is Fire “是一个节拍匠的梦想工具包,它包含了你需要的一切,让你开始一个想法或完成一个陈旧的项目。看看它,让声音为自己说话。

Origin Sound is stoked to bring you a new instalment in our line of professional beat making toolkits. ‘This Pack Is Fire’ provides a flammable bundle of all the trap and instrumental ingredients required to ignite your studio session and get the creativity burning at full blaze.

Start exploring ‘This Pack Is Fire’ by sifting through the extensive and eclectic music loops folder. Packed to the brim with over 100 sounds that will instantly get the creativity flowing, the pack is teaming with all the tools you will need to craft world-class instrumentals. Whether you are in need of chunky bass stabs, thick and booming 808s, eighties styled synth progressions, soulful and poppy chord plucks, hard chord progressions that will make you beat absolutely pop off, misty morning sunrise flutes, or melancholy analogue leads, the melodics folder will have something for you. The folder also contains a highly advantageous song starters section, full of combination loops that contain melodics, chords, and basses. These combination loops are the perfect place to hunt for inspiration, or learn how our professional producer is able to blend these different elements together.

After rinsing through the music loops, dive head first into the comprehensive drum folders. Equally as import as having a good melodic hook and booming 808s, a solid drum groove will bring life to a beat. ‘This Pack Is Fire’ is overflowing with hard hitting and punchy drums. With over 60 loops and well over 100 drum hits, this top shelf delivery will provide all the materials you need.

‘This Pack Is Fire’ brings a few red hot extras to the table, including a varied selection of music single hits, and a broad SFX folder. Inside the music single hits folder you will discover an outstanding selection of beefy 808 shots and rich synth shots. In the SFX folder there is a collection of foley impact hits, vocal shots, sirens, risers, and other useful miscellaneous effects.

‘This Pack Is Fire’ is a beat smith’s dream toolkit, housing everything you will need to get an idea started or finish off a stale project. Check it out and let the sounds speak for themselves.



     ·     350 Samples

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